God’s Gift
Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host as they analyze the dawn of a new age… golden, gilded, or perhaps something less recognizable, but certainly hopeful, and mournful, and with supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
We’ll cover the release from prison of a monster, serial rapist, poster child for the criminally insane sex cult that runs California, Alvin Ray Quarles, who will have better protection at the hands of the state than does America’s new president. And since we’re allowed to ask questions again now that the Hide/Embarrass regime is over, We’ll ask if President Trump is going to give the 15% housing bonus to California fire victims out of his share of the $16bn meme coin pump and dump, or if he’s taking about my money and yours, (which would be socialist, and we all need to remind Don that he’s not a socialist)!
Listen in to hear a panoply of biblically illiterate light-weight evangelicals mis-apply and misappropriate scripture to justify their fleshly fascination with Donald Trump, from Ken Ham, (who I would not trust teaching Sunday School past Genesis 3), to “pastor” Paula White with her solicitation telling all about a late night meeting to give our new president our list of priorities, (if you know what I mean), to “pastor” Lorenzo Sewell who credits God with saving Don for America, while accusing God of stealing the 2020 election for a criminally insane sex cult, but hey! who’s holding Trump’s pastors accountable for political faux pas! None of them have seen fit to hold his feet to the fire regarding his salvation or the gospel. Why nit-pick the political stuff! Let’s just revel in the moment… that’s biblical… right?
We’ll check in with libertysentinel.org and Alex Newman who may have uncovered shocking evidence that the government schools are doing harm to America’s children via a “hidden agenda!” Hear about guns and crime and suicide, bias response hotlines and the never ending big money rackets that have, perhaps been the only thing that have prevented the communist true believers from finally and fully conquering America.
Only half of American’s think the transgender delusion has “gone too far”. And the media/communist brain washing conspiracy has convinced almost 80 % of the rest that trannies, those who mutilate them, and those who encourage others to think about them are legitimate members of society.
All that plus the will of Jesus and Pete Hegseth’s tattoos, the only thing that could stop Cecile Richards’ from killing children, the ayatollah hiding in his his house in a bullet-proof vest, the apparent leap into omniscience of the billing department at Microsoft, and what to think about 100,000 dead ducks!
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