HALTing, CAIRing & Falling
Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host move from death, to disease, to diabolical fraud and conspiracy and the terrorists ready to exploit the obvious gaping holes in America’s fabric. All that plus the only hope of eternal life!
Find out about Gen-Z and the Bible, how Donald Trump’s takedown of USAID is allegedly going to make Tuberculosis Great Again, why Dave Weldon joined Matt Gaetz on the scrapheap of Trump nominees, and why former Senator Alan Simpson is to blame for everything wrong with America!
It turns out Barack Husain Obama’s 2022 executive “environmental grants” run through his “Inflation Reduction Act” was pure graft and crony payoffs, and his and Joe’s cut was around $20bn! And no one who voted for or against Fentanyl in congress last week has any clue as to how to stop the overdose epidemic. And Donald Trump spent $100,000.00 on the equivalent of a battery powered Corolla for his female staff to drive!
Find out why Mexico and Canada have been surprisingly unaffected by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Hysteria being pushed out by “public health” butchers in America, and why mass slaughter and” vaccines” for chickens are just as bad an alternative as socialist funding for farmers and drug companies. But not as bad as having a baby killer in charge of “Human Services” (whatever those are….)
The criminally insane sex cult that seized the government in 2020 set up a suicide hotline in 2020 to connect suicidal, mentally unstable teenagers with child molesters, ISIS (the Islamic State in Syria) is slaughtering Christians, CAIR has a plan, and EPIC, the East Plano Islamic Center is implementing it in Texas!
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