The Savior

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host survey the rebellion, the residue, the remnant, and the redeemer!

James O’Keefe went undercover to expose Good Morning America as leftists! Ibram X. Kendi is disposable to the devil, but not to God. And el presidente Nayib Bukele confounds the wise with the  simplicity of truth.

Killing a cop might get you life. In L.A.the barbarians are stealing fire hydrants for their scrap iron content. And in Oakland the liberals cant get their potholes filled because they deserve it.

Before WWII there were the deviants, Before “On Time, On Target, Never Quit” is pride month, and before you graduate from college in America you WILL be diagnosed with PTSD, or something that promises you a lifetime of excuses, welfare and pills.

All that plus how Jim Hoft destroyed the world, the confluence of gay pride & genocide, boys “described as biological males”, public school bureaucrats, and Norman Rockwell’s America.