Listen in this week as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host dispatch with the politics to get down to what really matters.
Hear all about the nakedly transactional politics between the pro-life industry, RE-publicans like Tommy Tuberville, and cold blooded political animals like Donald Trump. Learn how the just-a-system accidentally trained a killer in Las Vegas, the connection between sleeping around and machete attacks, and how anyone who’s just realizing congressman Ken Buck of Colorado is nothing but an ambitious coward of the lowest order simply hasn’t known him as long as we have…
In Canada the hapless parents who’ve publicly advocated for the tolerance of every sort of sexual immorality for a generation are now shocked that the perverts want their kids. And Health Canada has accredited a course teaching nurses how to properly kill people!
The sexual Bolsheviks have conquered small town America by democratic means, the government schools are the new drug dealers, the TSA needs more money to keep up the charade at the airport, and the GAO is now merely a marketing firm for the American Bar Association and the “lawyer government complex.”
All that plus the flawless execution of COVID unemployment fraud by the deep state, armed guards at the sandwich shop, and how it’s getting harder and harder to take the news, and to just eat what I want.