Something Really Awful…

Tune in to hear about the events of the week through the lens of original thought with America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host.

We check in on Alex Jones casing cashing out, the clans of Gaza, and the Climate Hysteria Machine and their war on other people’s food.

Mackenzie Kind Anderson killed herself on the altar of modern evangelical religion, the abortion pill is still available, and democracy has reached it’s inevitable nadir with the election of an ANTIFA terrorist to the EU parliament!

In Holland housewife who’d rather not use her real name is contemplating suicide at the hands of the psychophamacological industry, at the university we’re told not to judge child sacrifice, and in San Francisco the mayor and the County Board of Molesters are offering taxpayer funded food in exchange for the bodies and souls of men.

All this is going on while Harvard entertains, (and even publishes) delusions of cryptoterrestrials, NBC News publishes fake gay obituaries, And the elections are signalling death by democracy.