
Legacies, Lunatics & Liars

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host on a stroll through alleys, aisles and alliances that just get darker and darker the higher up you go…

Look in with us on Philadelphia where The Kensington is an open air drug market. Hear about Christian pastors competing over who can confuse the gospel among the largest crowd. And witness a criminal gang running California at the expense of their own souls.

RE-publicans in Louisiana virtue signal in the godless government schools using the 10 Commandments. The Innocence Project lawyers trying to spring Scott Peterson should be arrested en-masse and tried for contempt. And American Tyrant Prince King was finally arrested for terrorizing his kingdom with ball bearings and a sling shot, for no reason other than his ability to freely engage in the pursuit of happiness, which for him was malicious mischief.

Donald Trump will likely be in jail for the RE-publican convention, The mother of Hunter Biden’s illegitimate child is giving him a run for his money in the “worst human being alive” contest. And  Democrat lawmaker Susan Eggman has publicly confessed to aiding and abetting the kidnapping and rape of children!

Thje devil may be overplaying his hand going after the tortilla trade in Mexico. The creep atop the pile at NATO, Jens Stoltenberg is making war, not love, and all in furtherance of the official NATO policy of perversion! And Joe Biden’s Pier, along with his legacy was looted, broke apart, and washed up on shore in a desolate land, ruled by hate.

The Army says it’ll take back the soldiers dismissed for skipping the COVID vax, (and anyone who would go back should be barred from military service). And whoever took over running America for Barack Obama’s mother in Law has decided to try starting WWIII again in Russia!







Crime of the Century

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer survey the crimes, the lies, the legacies and the lunatics.

Come with us to Peru where trannies are classified as “mentally ill for the welfare, to Washington DC where Lauren Handy made history against the F.A,C,E, laws, (and in heaven too), and to the cutting edge of gene therapy where Opal Sandy was given hearing, but at what price?

Weston McMahon defied the odds surviving after being delivered at just 25 weeks, but without his dad the odds are still against him. In South Carolina RE-publicans legitimized sexual mutilation for adults and rendered such abuse for minors now “negotiable.” And in Colorado you’ll hear the light bulb go off in the mind of Cherry Creek School District Dad Karl Dierbach.

The New York Post celebrated perverted marriage by reporting on the deaths of Peggy Wood and Hope Moore. Monkeypox is spread by fags, but for some reason it’s killing children in Africa. And speaking of children, we hope someone finds out what exactly is going on with the millions of children displaced and handed over to leftist perverts running the migrant oriented NGOs since Barack Obama began displacing them.

The Jerusalem Post reported the US State departments worldwide terror alert for queers and perverts without a hint of irony. The Biden Pier overcame rough seas and HAMAS mortar rounds to get in position to seal Joe Biden’s legacy. And Mitt Romney thinks we all need to be a bit more frightened about catching the flu.

All that plus urinalistis standards, arguing with the left from the left, and our worst suspicions about House Speaker (and potential A.I. hologram) Mike Johnson are confirmed by John Boehner!