
San Frantana

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host “transition” his outrage against maniacal leftists who want to drug and mutilate children into action.

We’ll also check in on the decreasing popularity of vagrants in California and elsewhere, and discover what it takes to view mathematics as subjective, racist, western, and culturally appropriated!

You’ll get the latest record tally of income transfer, (also known as payments from the government to people “for activities generally financed from personal income”, also known as robbery), courtesy of your federal government.

Then there is the sick and insane avalanche of tranny news this week, including Canadian boys competing with girls and beating them, University of Montana boys competing with girls and coming in 2nd place, and a jury who has ruled in favor of a mother drugging and mutilating her own son, (Save James Younger).

A man shot and killed 2 people in Greenville Texas and the Associated Press is on the lookout for the gun

The Sinaloa Cartel has defeated the Mexican Army in Battle.

And as we predicted, one of the criminals released by Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian through their “Fist Step Program” has murdered Troy Pine in Providence Rhode Island.

The Kurds found out that worshiping a false god for a thousand years can leave you stateless, with your fate in the hands of others. (But then Pat Robertson showed us that being a Christian does not mean you cannot also be a moron).

China is bulldozing even state approved churches, all while harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, all while cheating in international competitions, all while killing unborn children, all while kidnapping and robbing a billion people, all while presenting themselves as civilized people and sitting down at negotiations aimed at making a good deal with the President of the United States.

Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro is so scary to the maniac left that they are accusing him of harboring the capacity to single-handedly destroy the Amazon Jungle!

All that as we celebrate the deaths of Abu Bakr al Bahgdadi who killed his thousands, and John Conyers, who killed his millions, the World Series, and how the NBA doesn’t even look American anymore.




Shut Up & Eat

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host feast upon the pompous & dim-witted at a veritable buffet of remarkable news.

You’ll hear about Russian hero pilot Captain Damir Yusupov who crash landed an airliner in a cornfield saving all passengers on board!

And then there’s the father of Elizabeth Smart, (the kidnapping victim from 2002) coming out as a creepy weird homo…

The RE-publican (& Democrat knives are out for Representative Steve King for being too anti-abortion.

We’ll discuss the Orthorexics, the tax collectors and the industry getting rich off them, Al Gore and the point of no return, and a painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress similar to Monica’s and Hillary’s!

Hear all about the rapper for whom President Trump tweeted “Free ASAP”, being found guilty of assault, how local government agencies are being help hostage to ransomware in Texas, and crisis of public feces gripping big cities in California.

And there are the record breaking hailstones in Colorado, opioids, “nose“-witnesses against Don Lemon, the bird whisperer, IlHAM Omar and Ra-Shiite Tlaib out of Jerusalem, and ISIS making the Taliban look like folks we might be able to get along with… All at the podcast below:




America’s most attractive audio engineer is back, and with her is the host with whom she hopes to save the world.

We start some 5.43 billion years ago… when something other than the spontaneous formation of the earth was going on. Because volcanoes like the Bolshaya Udina in Russia just wouldn’t wake up on a cold 5 billion year old rock.

We’ll visit with the TSA and the British lady who tried to slip a few knives past them, a slut and her hustler and their 4 year old daughter shoplifting at the Dollar Store, and why they really got a gun pulled on them, and more fear mongering, grant hounding “scientists” dragging out more “6th Mass Extinction” nonsense to scare the kids.

Hear about a student councilwoman elected in Denver who’s talking about using “all means necessary” to implement communism, (and we hope she doesn’t know what that phrase means).

Hat tip to Waskin Texas for declaring abortion a criminal act in their town, making it the first true “Sanctuary City” for the innocent unborn.

Donald Trump has, for a second time invoked the name of the Living God in regards to his child killing policies, and once again declared his dedication to all of the innocent. God is listening Donald.

And the free market spoke last week as nearly 200 captains of industry signed a declaration stating that killing innocent, inconvenient, embarrassing, and possibly career threatening people is essential to success in business.

O.J. Simpson is now on Twitter reminding us of the failures of our Just-a-System, and threatening to get even with someone…

Some Vermonters are more Hell bent than ever on corrupting and molesting children as early as possible,  not just by teaching them about deviant sex, but paying for it to be surgically applied!

Hat tip to Pastor Patrick Boyle at Revival Baptist Church in Orlando for their “Make America Straight Again” event!

Tune in to find out what Joshua Weinstein’s new DNA microscope is all bout.

And listen in to reason 1,197 to get or keep your kids out of the government schools! (Your 1st grader might get felt up and then get a marriage proposal from a 25 year old pervert)!

Thanks to Dr. Darrell Cass, Cleveland Clinic is now performing life saving surgeries on fetuses that abortionist Warren Hearn would murder.

Find out what it means to be the “best friend” of an American teen-aged girl who’s been offered millions of dollars to kill you.

And finally, hear how hackers are successfully holding municipalities hostage, and how to stop it.

All this and more at the podcast below.