
Tyranny of Deviants

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host dispatch with the phony outrage and get on with the real thing.

We’ll look in on archeologists confirming details of then Bible in the Middle East, and congressmen denying them from the dais at the “sacred” United States House of Representatives.

Find out how the soviet of Colorado can punish their peasants for potential crimes, how the party in China punishes political adversaries, and how we found out the CCP is the boss of the NYSE.

Hear about the dust up in DC in light of a year of unrestrained lawlessness, insurrection and the 2 billion murdered under color of law.

We advocate for the Death Penalty for anyone convicted of raping a child, for families instead of 501(c)3’s, and for everyone involved in Death Row records just just get on with dying already!

The ambulance in L.A. will come if you’re sick… but not too sick.

Hear how Neil Young shed any pretense of dignity he was faking, how the girl with the green beret is faring, and why Kim Kardashian is divorcing Kanye West, (and who gets hurt the most).

We make note of the BIG RISK big tech is putting everyone at when they usurp our free speech, and how the awfulness of Coronavirus is being healed mostly by politics, and will pale in comparison the fear we feel when Iran gets the bomb.



San Frantana

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host “transition” his outrage against maniacal leftists who want to drug and mutilate children into action.

We’ll also check in on the decreasing popularity of vagrants in California and elsewhere, and discover what it takes to view mathematics as subjective, racist, western, and culturally appropriated!

You’ll get the latest record tally of income transfer, (also known as payments from the government to people “for activities generally financed from personal income”, also known as robbery), courtesy of your federal government.

Then there is the sick and insane avalanche of tranny news this week, including Canadian boys competing with girls and beating them, University of Montana boys competing with girls and coming in 2nd place, and a jury who has ruled in favor of a mother drugging and mutilating her own son, (Save James Younger).

A man shot and killed 2 people in Greenville Texas and the Associated Press is on the lookout for the gun

The Sinaloa Cartel has defeated the Mexican Army in Battle.

And as we predicted, one of the criminals released by Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian through their “Fist Step Program” has murdered Troy Pine in Providence Rhode Island.

The Kurds found out that worshiping a false god for a thousand years can leave you stateless, with your fate in the hands of others. (But then Pat Robertson showed us that being a Christian does not mean you cannot also be a moron).

China is bulldozing even state approved churches, all while harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, all while cheating in international competitions, all while killing unborn children, all while kidnapping and robbing a billion people, all while presenting themselves as civilized people and sitting down at negotiations aimed at making a good deal with the President of the United States.

Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro is so scary to the maniac left that they are accusing him of harboring the capacity to single-handedly destroy the Amazon Jungle!

All that as we celebrate the deaths of Abu Bakr al Bahgdadi who killed his thousands, and John Conyers, who killed his millions, the World Series, and how the NBA doesn’t even look American anymore.





America’s most attractive audio engineer returns with her host to face the blitzing adversary in the fields and in the streets and in the hills; we shall never surrender!

Amidst the piles and piles of homos in cities around the world reaching max lissssssssssssssp during this final week of “Pride” month, you’ll hear about a bureaucrat in Massachusetts who actually felt shame and resigned over incompetence, (helping confirm that Obama’s reign is truly over).

Visit the slums of Bombay (or L.A.) where Eric Garcetti leads the race to the bottom of “compassionate” socialism. And then across the pond to England where Theresa May’s fast draining administration has committed those living after she mercifully passes on to mass suicide as early as 2050.

We’ll tell you about the deadly effects of Deep State social programs that live beyond their purpose and lose touch with reality.

You’ll hear about the American missiles found in the Islamist camp of Khalifa Hifter in Libya courtesy of Barry HO and Hillary, about Vladimir Putin’s pathetic attempt to appease loud mouthed homos like Elton John, and how the “Family March” in Haifa Israel wanted to be the antithesis of the Pride March there, but didn’t quite get it done.

Find out how a small group of normal people shut down a “Pride Prom” grooming event for teenagers being organized by the pile of perverts running the public library in Jacksonville Florida!

All that and Donald Trump and Dennis Rodman, Kim Dung Un & Kim Kardashian, homos at the hardware store, and the interesting image a bunch of ostensibly clean cut socialists raising their right hand in a salute to something like what we saw at Nuremburg in 1939, at the podcast right here: