Gimmie that Old Time Religion
Take an enlightening and entertaining romp through the headlines of the week (and festive bumper music) with Doug McBurney and America’s extremely attractive audio engineer!
Find out about the pizza driver who gave a robber a lesson in the inviolable physical laws of God’s universe, the the dedication and love of a father for his son, (even when love was a difficult choice), and a poor young mother in New Jersey who did what abortionists do every day; she burned her baby to death, (but she did it in the road).
Hear the dark advice of the anti personhood lawyers who brought us legal abortion to Bubba Bill Jeff Clinton, suggesting how he might “eliminate… …the poor,” how George Soros funds the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative, the 3400 troops Barry has sacrificially deployed to train future Islamic terrorists, and the Islamist’s “hit list” posted to sew fear in the hearts of American veterans.
Find out why the unity pagan weep-fest in Paris was not “judenfrei”, why the Pope seems to be saying “Je Suis Mohhamed“, and how Nancy Pelosi is propelling a Moslem even deeper into America’s Intelligence community.
Mitt Romney apparently plans to run a presidential campaign free of conservative thought, but rife with ideas inspired by Bernie Sanders and pagan fairy tales; while reason #869 to get your kids out of the government schools involves a “pleasure activist” from Planned Parenthood teaching in the classroom!
A judge in NY was ready to give a plea deal to the thug who killed Ariel Russo, while Child Protective Services has been enlisted in Maryland to properly supervise parents who let their children walk down the street like civilized people.
The Creation Evolution debate has again spilled into the world of sport, a Baptist church in Virginia has apparently found their Bible, The Dalai Lama says he’s a Marxist, the “boy who went to heaven” has recanted, and Franklin Graham was kind enough to sum up what we call Good Religion!
It’s all included, in brilliant audio perfection at the podcast below. Give it a download and go into this week knowing so much more than the average moron!