
Enemies Domestic

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for analysis of the news of the week by the few still paying attention… and who know.

We check in on the “Post Roe” data that shows that America’s sacrifice of the God Given Right to Life may have led to as much as a 2.3% uptick in births, and an exponential increase in the dishonesty of the alleged right wing media.

And from there we go to another murder-suicide, perverted homework assignments and dirty books being handed out by child abusers in the government schools, and the immoral lessons Von Miller & the cowards who employ him have taught America’s sons.

We discover that it’s Russian Gangster, dictator and all around no-good-nik Vladimir Putin who is enacting sensible policy against extremist organizations promoting criminal behavior against children, to Minneapolis where The Big Flinch continues to destroy livelihoods and neighborhoods, and to Washington DC where Donor and Hunter Biden art aficionado Liz Hirsh Naftali accessed the DNC’s back-channel to HAMAS to free her grand-niece from captivity.

It looks like Israeli intelligence had warning of October 7th , but her own enemies domestic left her naked and unawares.

All that plus the call for a baby boom in Russia, cursive writing, and the nostalgia of being able to take one another at our word.