
Trading Paradise

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host convey an appropriate level of outrage at the sacrifice of paradise for Hell.

Find out how the “Just-a-System” is now weaponizing criminals against the innocent, why a “mass exodus” from the public schools is in order, and how the whole trans mania might just end up.

We’ll check in with Artur Pawlowski for tips on getting arrested right, a squirrel in North Dakota who may or may not exist, and the state of the “Eastern Front” in Kabul.

Yeonmi Park is a keen student of reality who escaped North Korea only to find herself imprisoned at Columbia.

The US Marines have been training the Taiwanese military, (and hopefully not just about pronouns), America can’t seem to get back to work, and the crisis that passed as we learned the Coronavirus was just not all that bad? It is going to visited upon us anyway by mandate!

Joe Biden isn’t wearing any clothes, but he leads the fashionable anyway…

Lt Colonel Scheller needs to be locked up, that’s for sure! Mike Tyson is big, dumb and dangerously comfortable. And Pit Bulls are a marvelous breed, (especially as it relates to burglars).

All that plus advice on getting through tough times, a throwback moment to the traditional use of masks in New York City, and where exactly paradise lies anyway.