
Weekly bible Study The Exodus Story Part VII

Exodus Chapters 9-11 The Final Five Plagues Against Egypt

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This week we’ll learn about the murrain among the cattle of Egypt, the boils and the blain (and who was left standing and who was not), and God’s warning to Pharaoh that this contest could escalate into a life an death struggle.

We’ll look at how and when God “raised up” Pharaoh for judgment, hail and locusts and the nature of lightning, when “all” doesn’t mean every single one, (which is almost always), and Exodus versus modern claims about the “worst weather ever!”

We’ll follow the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart and the diminishing of his court, his supposed concern “for the children,” God’s negotiating tactics, Pharaoh’s death threat and God’s answer, the mixed multitude, and just how long the plagues against Egypt might have lasted.



Weekly Bible Study The Exodus Story Part VI

Exodus Chapters 5-8

Get the Audio Version HERE.

This week we study Pharaoh & Moses, Patton and Soros, war and deception, taskmasters, officers and collaborators. God swears to uphold His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and give the land to the Israelites. God Chooses Levi for the earthly priesthood. Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and how? God preaches to the Egyptians. Yahweh mocks Egypt’s Gods and punishes Pharaoh’s sin against the Hebrew babies. God puts His miracles up against the sorcerer’s tricks. And God separates the people under His protection from those relying on Pharaoh!