
Conservative Talk: The Weekly Worldview – Kiss and a Promise — 1 Comment

  1. So homos make you sick, huh. Guess what, they make each other sick too—literally.
    Other than that, I couldn’t believe my ears when you said you teach your kids that there is evolution. I’m actually on a personal jihad against even the use of the word. People talk about the “evolution” of cars, planes, whatever. And of course they didn’t evolve they were “developed” by intelligent beings. And, NO, NO, NO, animals don’t evolve either. I know even great creationists groups like Answers in Genesis use the term “micro-evolution.” They’re wrong. The genetic material that made a black bear turn white and become a polar bear ALREADY EXISTED before there was a white bear. God made it, He put all the genetic material any given species has, and ever will have, inside them from the first moment of their creation. Because one feature and/or function is not present (dominate) in any given species today but appears tomorrow does not mean that it “evolved.” If the sodomite, communist, God hating liberals fascist scientists ever want to prove evolution (in any form) to me, they are going to have to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that a set of genetic material that never existed before, from the moment of creation, somehow sprung into existence. I don’t care if they show me a dog that can fly, if they can’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the genetic coding for that dog to grow wings was not present in that dog’s parents DNA then it is not proof of evolution.

    One example I like to use in this regards the “evolution” of bacteria. Everybody knows that a bacterium develop a resistance to penicillin. Now, the God haters say it’s evolution while the Creationists will say, “no, it only micro-evolution.” Or at least that’s what most used to say. Then about 15 or 20 years ago they found the body of a man, still frozen, who fell into a glacier in the mid 1800’s and guess what they found in his intestines. The exact bacterial “species” that supposedly evolved that resistance to penicillin. Again, if something already exists it cannot have evolved. The micro-evolution crowd was wrong and they are wrong. So, stick that in your pipe…

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