Listen in this week as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host visit the courthouse, the death chamber, the research lab, the museum and the playa for lessons and bywords alike.
First to the Vatican where we confirm the pope (Francis of a-CCP) is a communist! In Maryland a judge has ruled that parents who surrender their children to the state to “obtain the benefits of a public education” can’t opt them out of the really dirty parts. And in California the state is funding “educational programming” that should be getting them arrested!
The End of the World came for a Florida divorcĂ©e and her two kids via murder/suicide in devastating end to a custody battle. In Wyoming a judge has refused to define “woman” and refused to kick the hulking make tranny out of the girls dorm! And Alabama is set to execute a murderer 30 years too late, and way too nicely.
Oregon voters have been awakened from their drug induced stupor to realize phony leftist propaganda and fake votes in 2020 didn’t make the plague of druggies and criminals better, but worse. In Colorado “pro-life abortions” (those done before 12 weeks) have skyrocketed. And worldwide there is now solid evidence that the Pfizer mRNA shot damages the immunity of children.
Seventy thousand hapless suburban wussies are stuck in the toxic mud at their pagan “Burning Man” festival. And we hope the rainbow of the one true God they saw after the flood teaches them a lesson!
They’re summoning demons at the museum in Minnesota. The mayor of Chicago is blaming carmakers for his failure to prevent crime. And the insurrectionists running Denver are funneling campaign donations through their fellow travelers in Black Lives Matter.
All that plus a California city councilman gets robbed while having a conversation with business owners about crime, a White Sox fan harboring enough fear and adipose tissue to sneak a pistol through the metal detectors, and the end of the party for leftist musician Jimmy Buffet.