Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host sift through the remains of the rule of law, the civilization it built with and the odds that at some point, somebody’s going to call the cops.
We’ll check in on the Obama/Biden administration’s 3rd term and see if Michelle “M.O.” Obama intends to make it four! Daniel’s Penny and Perry are in the Lion’s Den of Marxist persecution, (Support Daniel Perry HERE, Daniel Penny HERE). And hear about another Deep State School where effectively molesting schoolgirls no longer gets the cops called, just another civil suit for the “Save-America Industry” to litigate.
You’ll hear about the Progress of the Pelosi/Newsom crime family’s reparations psy-op against the normal people left in California, about the Bay Area “Lifestyle” that brought Silicon Valley dad Bob Lee to the end of the world, and Hollywood actress Marcia Gay Harden, who apparently abused her three kids so completely they’re all open sex perverts now.
Allergan Aesthetic is paying the some of same doctors that collapsed western medicine into dark ages superstition and hysteria over COVID to churn out fake clinical trials showing that the the sexual mutilation of deranged people is good for them (and business). Personhood for the unborn already exists on the books in every state, but no one is calling the cops about it. And “cannabis use disorder”, (formerly known as being a pothead) has been shown (again) to contribute to schizophrenia in young men!
Kamala Harris is becoming a woman, (or something like that) at West Point, teachers in Colorado have renounced America en masse, and the EPA, the FBI, and the U.S. State Department are nakedly defying congressional oversight, and nobody’s calling the cops.
Economic forecasters are saying that the chances America slips into the recession we’ve been in for about a year are higher than they’ve been in 40 years!
The “Pro-Life Industry” is raising money promising to pull the abortion pill off the market without ever making the case that it’s used to murder children, Deep State Schools have finally found a silver bullet to stop school shootings in clear back-packs, and furious parents in Oakland marched their kids through picket lines manned by racist Marxists so their kids could be educated by racist Marxists.
That old, ugly dyke Randi Weingarten is recommending an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” app that allows creepy pervert teachers to edit and erase their history on social media.
All that plus the strategy of the criminally insane sex-cult who seized power in America to hold off the God fearing patriots for another 18 months, offensive pronouns in professional emails, and the creeping realization that speaking the truth in love to those who hate us has begin to cost us lie we always knew it would.