
Weekly Bible Study The Exodus Story Part V

Exodus Chapter 4

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Find out why the King James uses the term “borrow” for the expropriation of riches out of Egypt by the Hebrews, how Moses was predestined to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, and why God was so patient with Moses, (and with us).

We’ll answer the question, “does God make people disabled?

Hear why the law Moses is going to give Israel is beggarly and inadequate for salvation, but why God had to give the law to mankind.

Find out why Zipporah called Moses a “bloody husband.

And hear about the faith of the Children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt.


Weekly Bible Study The Exodus Story Part IV

Exodus Chapter 3

Where is the backside of the desert? Where is Mount Sinai? How did the bush burn, but not be consumed? God opens a dialog with Moses. How do we hear from God today? Why the difference between fear and pride are the difference between Heaven and Hell. What are the borders of the Promised Land? And didn’t God know taking land from one people and giving to another would cause conflict? The names of God given to Moses, the name Jesus takes for himself, and Moses resistance to God’s call. Also we’ll look at the long-suffering and wisdom of God toward Pharaoh.

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Weekly Bible Study The Exodus Story Part III

Exodus Chapter 2

This week we’ll examine Moses humble introduction, tyrannical commands, a mother’s daring, Pharaoh’s daughter, and total depravity. Also we ask: did Moses commit murder in Egypt? Stephen’s account of Exodus 2, and how the account in Hebrews 11 differs from the account in Exodus 2. Moses’ marriage outside of Israel, The Priest of Midian, Moses’ identity in Midian, and God’s thoughts when Israel’s cries come up before Him at the end of Exodus Chapter 2.

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