
Weekly Bible Study Remembering Christmas

First we review some verses related to our last study on Original Sin and the Sin Nature, and examine the nature of committing sin and how a man becomes accountable for sin. We’ll discuss the history and meaning of the Christmas holiday, and then read verse by verse through Matthew 1:1 – 3:1 for an account of the birth and early life of Jesus Christ. Along the way we’ll reference English Bible translations, non-Jews and women in the lineage of Christ, the nature of backward looking prophecy, and the signs God gave signifying the end of the Old Covenant.

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Weekly Bible Study Is Man Born with a Sin Nature? Conclusion

This week we hope to answer 3 questions: First, are the doctrines of Original Sin or Sin Nature scriptural? Second, what explains the disobedience of a small child. And finally, how can God justly condemn men to Hell?

We’ll discuss the nature of man’s wickedness, and of body soul and spirit. We’ll examine the Fall in the garden and the curse imposed. We’ll examine the scriptural meaning of “the flesh.” We’ll examine Paul’s record of the creation’s corruption in light of God’s plan for salvation, and answer the unbeliever’s accusation of unfairness against God.

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Weekly Bible Study Is Man Born with a Sin Nature? Part I

This week we examine the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God and family Bible study, training and disciplining children and the scriptural support for the concept of a sin nature. We’ll ask how can God hold us accountable if we were “born to sin.” We’ll examine what the image and likeness of God are as compared to those of men, creation ex-nihilo, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

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