
Uncivil Unrest

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host review the week from Ambush to Zika with a perspective that just might make you think.

We’ve got two or three witnesses against bringing Joe Paterno’s statue back to Penn State, “local transients” abusing children in Twentynine Palms, and China increasing tension, (as if we needed any more of that)!

The filming of the sequel to “50 Shades of Grey” was ironically interrupted by a terrorist attack, Zika has been confirmed to be a venereal disease and the Washington Post has given phony “pro-family industry” leaders a perfect fund-raising opportunity.

Christians were told we won a “victory” against homo “marriage” in Kentucky, but it was just a legalistic workaround so bureaucrat Kim Davis can continue collecting a paycheck while marrying off queers…

Trannies are roaming the dressing rooms at Target and the summer camps of Essex, Methodists have put a homo in the Bishoprick, and Pamela Geller is set to defile herself alongside open flaming & “conservative” homo Milo Yiannopolous and other deviants, (like Ann Coulter).

The FBI let the homo-Moslem gay bar massacre perpetrator slip through their fingers, but in West Baltimore an ambush against the cops was ended with death for the assassin!

The Black Panthers want to carry guns to the RE-publican convention despite the fact that their fingerprints are all over calls, (and possibly actions) for the assassination of police!

It truly is a world gone mad, and we’re just glad you choose to spend some time hearing about it all with us…



All Lives Matter?

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer as she and her host elucidate the strong delusion of the Black Lives Matter narrative, and others… even more sinister.

Hear about Bill Nye and the other atheists who showed up at Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter opening, (and hear a prayer for Bill Nye).

Japan’s demographic catastrophe continues unabated, Bradley Manning celebrated Barry & Ash Carter’s lifting of the military’s ban on trannies with a suicide attempt, Penn State is preparing to forget about the child molesters who defiled their locker room and continue with their worship of Joe Paterno, and the Boy Scouts are thanking Hooters for sponsoring summer camp!

Hugh Hefner is declaring a fleeting victory in the sexual revolution he started, the Bible established the basic plot for all subsequent authors, Goats are pretty smart and make fine pets, (and they don’t smell as badly), and police shot a white man in Fresno, and almost no one paid attention.

And despite his gullibility regarding the gangsta chick who live streamed her boyfriends death on Facebook, James O’Keefe rightly hails the value of live streaming video.

The NAACP is calling for federal laws to establish trust between the police and the community, while the leader of last week’s Dallas BLM march that ended with the ambush killings of at lease 5 police officers, the Right Reverend Jeff Hood, is a self proclaimed queer.

Alton Sterling was not innocent and neither was Philando Castile.

And finally Barry HO misleadingly addresses the vulnerable Americans who bear a particular burden foisted upon them not by the police, but by the absence of their father. And we point out his error of insisting that a false narrative be used to deceive a generation.

All that and more at the podcast below…



Looking to a Bright Future Darkly

America’s most attractive audio engineer returns with her host in tow to help all of us make sense of the current darkness and a future that can only be seen clearly in the light.

We’ve got confused Christians forgiving vandals before the spray paint is dry, Rappers shot in broad daylight, a mayor carjacked, and a murder witness guaranteed not to lie!

And an era of mind boggling medical advancement is upon us if we can only be saved from treasonous officials, pride, murderous homo riots dressed up as national monuments, trannies in the barracks and trannies on the stump!

And while the trannies & queers, & garden variety Sodomites are loosed upon our military it’s only a matter of time before the deviants and the lawyers eliminate one of the last official definitions of adultery

Then there’s the growing ability to admit the fact that we’re all just sick of going out and would rather just stay home…

Listen in to tales of pot heads driving into pot shops, government school principals impregnating and then murdering teachers, cheerleaders cheering (or something) while their boyfriends beat the homeless to death, terror in Bangladesh and elsewhere, almost every day…. and the uncomfortable fact that despite liberal objections, the Zika virus is most likely another venereal disease!

It’s all at the podcast below, so enjoy!