Harmony of Hysteria

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for a tour of reality, punctuated by by madness, tragedy, and strange goings on in the dark of night.

The tragic spirit of Halloween was visited upon our neighbors in Korea, And the government who once pulled Korea from the darkness of the communist onslaught to the pinnacle of earthly success is no longer the bastion of freedom, but the bastion of gender fluidity!

The “peoples” FBI was asked about Hunter Biden’s ties to a Chinese communist honeypot, but they remain loyal to their masters in Beijing…

Paul Pelosi has had another interesting night, the Democrat Party has come down against diplomacy, and for sexual insanity regarding the war in Ukraine. And with two criminal governments at war, (one in Ukraine, and one in Russia) each accusing the other of preparing terrorism on a nuclear scale; the world discovers it can’t rely on the pile of deviants and perverts atop America to tell who the bad guys are.

A tranny bought the Miss Universe striptease show, while in Indiana parents who wouldn’t go along with the sexual indoctrination and abuse of their child, had their child taken away… for abuse!

Greg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of “True the Vote”, (who revealed the mechanism by which the forces of darkness stole the 2020 presidential election in the movie “2000 Mules”) might be in prison by the time you read this.

The Waukesha parade killer made a mockery of the justice system one more time before the justice system makes a mockery of his sentencing. There was a murder/crime spree in Arizona that ended in a murder suicide that would have shocked the nation if we weren’t so overwhelmed with such things as to barely notice.

Families of patients killed with Remdesivir and dark ages treatment protocols during the Coronavirus epidemic have filed suit to hold someone accountable. And while you were at Home Depot during the lock-downs Marxists were keeping track of you and scoring your compliance.

And as autumn settles in and the scary specter of winter looms, (and actually scary for Germans as fear of freezing to death outpaces the fear of new variants), the American media’s hysteria machine is cranking out the keywords to get us all scared but good!

All that plus the difference between an old fashioned gangster and a criminally insane sex pervert at the link below.