Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: An Objective Standard

Controversy has erupted over the import of the execution drug Sodium Thiopental, while the domestic production of medical marijuana continues only moderately abated by authorities in Montana. So justice is dead in the water but Americans, (even those who don’t support biblical ideas about justice) are getting stoned nonetheless…

In an effort to preserve his precarious perch atop what might just become the seat of the caliphate, the Saudi king is handing out government largess Chicago style, and in Libya confusion over the Obama administration’s policy sits uncomfortably beside the voices of those crying out for freedom, (or death to America & Israel, or whatever) with the blow somewhat softened by the accuracy of British snipers!

Meanwhile in Israel the bloody tracks from the Fogel household lead right through the offices of the US State Department, and across the perfectly manicured carpet of the Oval office, (of Bubba Bill Jeff Clinton, Bush the lesser, and Barry HO).

And the so called civilized people of the world deny that a baby in the womb is a person, deserving of the right to life, while authorities in San Francisco struggle with how to keep hippie urine off the sidewalks in the Haight, and the current value of life is seen in broad daylight in San Jose.

Ordinary citizens, (and some of the several states) are beginning to prepare an escape valve through which society might be pulled, (as if through fire) when the counterfeiters in congress and the Fed are dragged out from behind their fiat curtain and exposed to the light of day.

Marriage continues to deteriorate under the weight of legalized adultery, pornography and fornication. So the liberal solution is fairly obvious… sex change operations for everyone! Even the Nazis!

To understand all this and more, grab the podcast below, and enjoy the week wherever it may find you…


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Is This the End?

The Department of Justice is insulting black American’s by insisting they need lower test scores to compete for civil service jobs. They’ve lowered the already ground scraping bar especially for the brothers! And on the Eastern Front: Quentin Tarantino goes to law with his neighbors from Sodom, and the Macaws may be the only good guys.

Domestic Tranquility continues to deteriorate in Elko, Nevada while Illinois Governor Pat Quinn multiplies and redirects the death penalty upon the innocent. Progressives hurl death threats and exaggerations in Sheboygan and the new inclusive, tolerant, multicolored revolutionaries in Egypt have released their favorite Islamists.

Barry HO and NATO are busy tightening the noose around GKQuadaffi even as the inept and barely conscious James Clapper notices GKQuadaffi is winning, (duh)! And this while traitor and celebrated open homosexual soldier Bradley Manning gets an unnecessary change of clothes! And a confluence between the Mayan prophecy, natural disasters and a fertile imagination leads Tim LaHaye to embarrass Christians once again, (but his end time seminars are selling out)!

Newt Gingrich help us all understand how patriotism and hard work can lead a man, (or even a newt) to adultery. Then Mitt Romney beats Chris Christie in a NJ presidential poll, forcing us here at the worldview to reconsider what wee just wrote about Tim LaHaye…

And American’s cant sleep and can’t navigate anymore due to over-reliance on technology. But what about an over-reliance on secular government? George W. Bush’s socialist, progressive “No Child Left Behind” law threatens to damage the self esteem of liberal educrats while continuing to destroy the minds of America’s youth. Lenin couldn’t have plotted a more perfectly insidious attack on all that’s right and good in the world.

And the defeated congressmen stole sacks of cash on thier way out the door, but don’t be concerned, the ones who stayed ripped you off as well, (but at least had the decency to be subtle about it)! Give a listen, and get prepared for your own personal encounter with the end!


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: The Big Stink

If you hate Mickey Mouse business dealings as much as we do, you’ll want to hear our theory on opening a pizza joint in heaven, (or on earth) in the hereafter. And if you don’t believe in the afterlife, well, you just won’t get any pie!

The hippies and freaks were stinking it up from Madison to San Francisco last week. Join us for all the conservative talk on the podcast for a forecast of when the stench will clear out. And have you heard that there’s a movement afoot to ban Sharia in America? Oh for the days when the average American heard the term “Sharia” and mistook it for a Motown girl group from the ’60’s…

Meanwhile video has surfaced suggesting that followers of Sharia, (and our “allies” in the long war against radical Islamists) in Pakistan are effectively schooling their children the finer points of cinematography and suicide bombing, as the last Christian standing in the Pakistan government was assassinated by the tolerant peace loving Sharia adherents in the capital city of Islam-is-bad.

In Science news we’ve got a New York professor and Nobel Laureate attempting to explain Darwinian original sin. And NASA is trying to convince us they’ve found evidence that life came to earth from outer space, even while there latest global warming satellite crashes harmlessly into the cold, cold sea. But worry about global warming was mitigated a bit this past week as National Geographic reminded us that a regional nuclear conflict, (like the one the Obama administration is working on in Iran) will slow down all that scary warming.

And just in case Iran can’t help us with our global warming problem China in increasing military spending by double digits again this year in case they have to get the job done! And it’s curtains for the Chevy Volt. The market has spoken, or perhaps more accurately they’ve yawned and decided on a new Dodge Challenger instead!

And the state of justice and domestic tranquility continue to follow their inexorable slouch toward Gomorrah; from Vinny Gorgeous to MS-13, to the Army and open homosexual traitor Bradley Manning, to an unnecessary confession securing an unholy plea deal, to “life”  for a man who kidnapped and tortured a child , to a teenage L.A. dad who butchered his son before committing suicide by cop, to picturesque Burlington Colorado where a 12 year old home schooled boy has rained death and destruction upon his family and the heartland. The beast is feeding indeed…

While Mike Huckabee rightly points out the sad state of marriage and child rearing in America, the eastern elites are going co-ed, homo, tranny ROTC if you can figure that one out! And as the WW I generation passes from the scene, and America is losing sleep, your humble host soldiers on to bring you what you need to know for this week and the next!