Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Joy of Life

With American air travelers  faced with the choice of a Chernobyl level x-ray blast or backhanded pat-downs by the likes of Janet “Jack” Napolitano or her equivalent, we at The Weekly Worldview do our best to provide a refuge to which one might flee in order to avoid making the choice. Because it’s all just so distasteful…

Ironically, at the same time Americas collective crotch was being manhandled by aspirants to the cultural position once held by Pee Wee Herman, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced a new round of funding to the Palestinian Authority as they were planning a museum to honor the mother of all body scanning pat downs, Yassir Arafat! And Obama’s minions were simultaneously planning to hunt down government waste at the Ritz! And then, just when we thought the whole world had gone insane, we hear Texas Governor Rick Perry lambast FDR, the New Deal and dub Social Security a bankrupt Ponzi scheme! And so we choose to soldier on…

But the fog has not cleared. Nancy Pelosi insists upon leading the Democrat party for two more years, and likely will do just that, (having, along with Gloria Steinem convinced manly girls and eviscerated males of her party that the real problem is the same one it’s always been…. men)! And in San Francisco infant circumcision is under attack, while perforating the rectal tract of the man you love is celebrated with vigor!

And now Sears has traded Thanksgiving for “door-busters”, Barry Scheck (and Jive) continues his assault on justice, Oklahoma rejects Sharia, but Judge Vicki says hold on just a minute. Perhaps she sees some redeeming quality in covering women in burlap and stoning them when they get out of line

And if all that wasn’t enough to shake your confidence in the burgeoning  atheocracy’s ability to govern, perhaps you hadn’t heard that that they want to promote the gory pictures on cigarettes produce, while banning the ones that that the baby killers produce.

If you want to know what’s happening and why, just light up this weeks podcast episode and don’t forget to inhale deeply!


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Begging for Truth

In the wake of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy debacle the Marines are forced to contemplate the deleterious impact of certain types of “cohesion“. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton appears to instigate both figurative and literal earthquakes, Joe Biden continues to see his motorcade , and the nation driven into ever more serious mishaps, and president Obama slyly includes the creator into his rather odd interpretation of our founding documents.

And the Chinese may have already signaled the end to Washington’s profligate borrowing. Forcing the Fed to buy treasuries with money they actually print in the basement! It’s been done before, it never ends well, but keep in mind that the current administration considers the laws of economics as extraneous as the laws of nature and her God and insist upon operating outside them, despite what those clinging to their guns and religion think.

2011 hangs over the heads of the evil and the good alike, as if it were a scimitar balanced upon the blunt edge of economic disaster. And the people cry out for justice in the wake of more rammings, burnings, shootings, butcherings, and one more shootings over an egg thrown at a Mercedes. for all this murder Alabama executed one this week, but the Justice Dept. saw that and raised ’em one at Gitmo.

So, the conservative Tsunami we hoped for turned out to be a mild surf washing up against the shores of potential tyranny. True, Personhood in Colorado gained 10%, three criminal homo-marrying judges were given the boot, and Ken Buck proved that the pro-life vote can indeed take down a phony “conservative”. But the wholesale repeal of Barry Ho’s agenda remains out of reach while conservatives remain either asleep, or distracted by the entertainment they seem to prefer over saving the country.

It’s a serious time, that calls for serious men. So give a listen if you’re awake…


The conservative Tsunami we hoped for turned out to be a mild surf washing up against the shores of potential tyranny. True, Personhood in Colorado gained 10%, three criminal homo-marrying judges were given the boot, and Ken Buck proved that the pro-life vote can indeed take down a phony “conservative”. But the wholesale repeal of Barry Ho’s agenda remains out of reach while conservatives remain either asleep, or distracted by all the sports and pornography they seem to prefer to saving the country.

Personhood: A Question for Right Now

To my fellow laborers in the cause of Personhood:

On November 2, 2010 God’s word will return from across our state when ballots containing His question of Personhood are recorded and declared. And everyone will hear.

This is occurring because the Spirit of Christ animates you to do His Will. You are truly His Body.

And God’s will is that all men would turn from the shedding of innocent blood toward whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, and if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, that they would meditate on these things.

And We together have shown His Love. And for this Jesus Christ is Glorified. And We are in Him.