
No Joke

America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host take down the pop culture and pump up genuine culture.

Hear how technology is amplifying the problem of legalized pornography, how suicide appears to be the leading cause of death on the USS George H.W. Bush, and how vagrants in California may be poisoning the water supply!

In Sacramento your McDonald’s burger may come with fries, flies, derelicts and a wailing siren.

Planned Parenthood is writing sex ed curricula in Austin Texas, and has a “secret weapon” out in Hollywood.

Listen in to the dual horrors of an attempted murder suicide against a 6 year old girl, and an “accidental” abortion.

You’ll witness parents and teachers whom neither know how to train up a child, a Renaissance masterpiece (featuring Jesus and no comic book characters) discovered over a hotplate in France, and a study proving that a gluten free diet may be the most effective placebo ever!

We’ll look into the prison sentences and one death sentence handed down by the murderous mullahs in Iran against brave spies for America, China’s 70th anniversary celebration of the day that criminal regime took a billion people hostage. (and we’ll read Donald Trumps shameful, stupid congratulatory tweet to the aforementioned thieves and killers).

Hear the many reasons to avoid The Joker. Find out what costs more: food clothing & health care, or funding the big tyrannical government. And explore the unattractive truth about Portland, Oregon.

All that and Bernie’s black heart gets shiny new stents, impeachment, and what Adam Schiff’s speaking a phony sound bite into the congressional record has proven about himself, the media, and us! All at the podcast below:



Just Authority & Injustice

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host dismember the rampant hypocrisy from both sides of what appears to be the same coin.

Join us in the former Great Britain who have released terrorist Anjem Choudary, knowing full well he’ll terrorize again, and then on to Hungary where a sliver of sanity stands between Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the decline and fall brought on by, among other things… “Gender Studies”.

We witness yet another “family detonation” shrouded in Newspeak, and visit the heartland of America where out of wedlock births are up Forty percent!

Hear on one side a heroic mother who risked, and ultimately gave her life for the life of another, and on the other side leftists who would open American hospitals to illegals and addicts without question, while refusing to suffer the life of one innocent child, or one weeping father to be granted even the slightest measure of mercy.

We’ll check in on the yet to resign Pope and the seemingly Satanic pile of homosexuals and pedophiles he refuses to disband despite all the children and young men raped.

And finally we reveal the ultimate hypocrisy of lowlife, cowardly bastards like Lindsey Graham & Adam Schiff decrying alleged murder and dismemberment in the case of Muslim Brotherhood member, Hamas cheerleader and Islamist Jamal Khashoogi, while funding and promoting the murder and dismemberment of innocent American children under the “Roe Exception”, even after Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker so poignantly proves that those kids are people, and innocent people at that!

All this and even more light into darkness at the podcast below: