
Enemies Domestic

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for analysis of the news of the week by the few still paying attention… and who know.

We check in on the “Post Roe” data that shows that America’s sacrifice of the God Given Right to Life may have led to as much as a 2.3% uptick in births, and an exponential increase in the dishonesty of the alleged right wing media.

And from there we go to another murder-suicide, perverted homework assignments and dirty books being handed out by child abusers in the government schools, and the immoral lessons Von Miller & the cowards who employ him have taught America’s sons.

We discover that it’s Russian Gangster, dictator and all around no-good-nik Vladimir Putin who is enacting sensible policy against extremist organizations promoting criminal behavior against children, to Minneapolis where The Big Flinch continues to destroy livelihoods and neighborhoods, and to Washington DC where Donor and Hunter Biden art aficionado Liz Hirsh Naftali accessed the DNC’s back-channel to HAMAS to free her grand-niece from captivity.

It looks like Israeli intelligence had warning of October 7th , but her own enemies domestic left her naked and unawares.

All that plus the call for a baby boom in Russia, cursive writing, and the nostalgia of being able to take one another at our word.



Weak, Stoned & Spent

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for a review of the killers, cowards, traitors, pedophiles, drug dealers, politicians, judges, journalists & citizens too weak, stoned and spent to deter the adversary.

We’ll span the globe from the monsters and baby killers at the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to the “pro-life” baby killers (with some exceptions) in America, to the monsters and baby killers of Hamas.

Visit the world’s largest prison camp, Gaza City. Created by a generation of killers and cowards who call themselves Moslems and Christians, but who’s only fealty is to their own bellies. The plan is to sacrifice the prisoners trapped there by the killers to the gods of war for the photo ops, (and maybe there’s an even more diabolical plan awaiting the cowards).

Barack Obama fed money and confidence to America’s adversaries via the traitorous activities of Joe Biden’s “special envoy” to Iran, Rob Malley, and there was hell to pay in Israel, especially at the Supernova “music” festival & satanic drug orgy. On a bright note, the IDF did blow up a Planned Parenthood in Gaza!

The Mayor of San Francisco London Breed needs a drug test, Travis King, the 2nd class army private who tried to defect to North Korea was returned to America to file grievances and lawsuits, and generally gum up & undermine everything North Korea wants undermined.

West Point used to be exclusive. Now with their new “Diversity & Inclusion” minor they’re FABULOUSSSSSSSS! While America was distracted with legalized adultery, fornication and pornography the American Library Association was taken over by Emily Drabinski, a child molesting communist. And in Houston, one public school district will be administering free NARCAN all week!

A judge in Wisconsin ruled that parents must be in on their child’s gender transition for it to be legitimate, in Florida parents who love Halloween and horror movies were shocked when a math teacher showed their fourth graders a slasher movie, and Barack Obama is directing Joe Biden and the rest of the criminally insane sex cult that seized the federal government of America in 2020 to defend America against non-compliant furnaces!

All that and our analysis of the coming implosion that’s been building under Western Civilization via Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran for generations, and how only God can save us.




Barometers of Humanity

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer mitigates the pressure of a civilization’s maniacal plunge to the breaking point.

We’ll go to outer space in search of platinum, take a trip to Maine and drop in on grannies against grand-children, and into Aaron Hernandez’ cell where we find something even more disturbing than we thought…

Hear about a Marine killed in something like combat at a McDonald’s Drive Thru in Chicago, how the criminal gang called Hamas is running the Gaza Strip into a deeper hell hole, and how the maniac running North Korea has kidnapped a third American!

Join us inIndianapolis as we peel back a pile of homos to find a tranny prom king, in New York where Harvey Weinstein continues his quest to raze civilization, to Las Vegas where the junkies get their needles from a vending machine, and then finally to British Columbia where “Welfare Wednesday” has devolved to it’s inevitable end.

But then there is Arkansas where 4 out of 8 ain’t bad when you’re talking about putting down mad dog killers.

Then it’s back to Holland where our call for an artillery barrage on the “Women on Waves” abortion ship so many years ago fell on deaf ears, and now the Dutch are web conferencing the murder of their society.

But in the City of Brotherly Love scientists are hard at work on the “artificial womb” project that was so callously passed over by a previous generation hell bent on developing the pill…

Hear about musicians dedicating their art to murderers and Fox News’ departure from overly generous salaries to middle of the road bloviators and strippers alike.

Find out how Michigan could become a free country again, and how the RE-publican party increasingly celebrates the vulgar & the stupid as “conservative.”

All at the podcast below…