

Listen is as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host peer over the edge into the abyss.

We’ll go from the solid ground of Kristi Noem’s South Dakota, headlong into epidemic fear mongering, super gonorrhea, extra-terrestrial radio, and the darkest, alien rantings of a Harvard chair.

The lock-downers admit they take their cues from the Communist Chinese, Apple won’t admit their trinkets are made by slaves of the Communist Chinese, and the who’s who of every mainstream media outlet appears to have had an upscale dinner or two courtesy of the Communist Chinese.

Rush Limbaugh echos every conservatives feeling of failure, while psycho-babbler James Dobson still thinks the end of America can be averted by voting RE-publican just one more time.

Find out why the coming of socialism is behind us, not in front of us, how the most prolific serial killer in American history died peacefully, and why the entire leadership of Seattle must be arrested and tried for their manifold crimes.

We’ll examine why marriage ain’t, (and is) what it used to be, how leftists would rather risk the suffering and death of others in crowded I.C.U.s than risk embarrassment to themselves, why January 6th will be a day spent at the precipice, and how the insurrection ran it’s penultimate leg from Boston to the skies over London, and became a fait accompli.

All this and some bumpers and a few trepidatious laughs at the podcast below…






Women & Children First

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for an hour or so in defense of the innocent, the women, the children, and hear “We Are Paul Revere” send out a call to what’s left of the men.

We say goodbye to Walter E. Williams.

We say hello to a doubling of home-schoolers in 2020, the secular religion of the mask, and a fast track vaccine that’s got us thinking twice.

Gavin Newsom hangs with like minded tyrants & at least one fast-talking “feminist” named Nathan Ballard who may have just been caught beating his wife.

A fanatical masker at the “Daily Yeast” has slandered South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, Nasdaq is making believe there is no such thing as women, and Prince Harry has become a eunuch.

The Pope is a communist.

Protesting the harvesting of organs in America is punishable by arrest and imprisonment, while protesting slave labor in China simply isn’t done.

General Thomas McInerny has called the election fraud “treason“, Kyle Rittenhouse is going on trial for murder, and the mayor of Los Angeles is suffering acute COVID mania (with exemptions).

The insurrection continues unabated in Seattle, a sixth grader committed suicide during a “distance” learning session, and the UN has re-classified Marijuana from “most dangerous” to “most useful” drug.

All that along with maskers hating on Jews in the big apple, and your hosts hunkering down with the livestock to endure the self fulfilling prophecy of a dark, (but relatively pleasant) winter.