
Criminal Cultural Status

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer joins her host in exposing the criminal, lamenting the cultural, and declaring the status of both!

We start in Israel, where British reporters “question the use of the Bible as a historical reference because most events mentioned in the text lack historical evidence,” while actually reporting historical evidence for the Bible!

Hear how Rock icons U-2 are just that, and not Christian, how Donald Trump and Mike Pence punted the defunding of Planned Parenthood to the states, how public school lockdowns are a part of daily life where nearly 70% of government school students can’t read, or write or do math!

We’ll tell you why the fear of God must be felt in court, that the defiled “leather” district in San Francisco has become a “cultural” district, and how criminals might just be able to edit their DNA to evade justice!

We’ll share the sad tale of what used to be the Boy Scouts, why an abusive pair of lesbians does not qualify as “normal”, and exactly what parents can expect from the molesters and abusers inflicting the government school complex upon America’s youth.

Find out why we think Hollywood (and  #metoo) are empty of any good, why incarceration as a punishment for crime is immoral, (and even ridiculous), and why suicide is and shall remain criminal, no matter what the heathen’s say.

It seems half of Americans are ready to throw in the towel and embrace Bernie Sanders, and government jobs, health care and cheese for all, even as one of the inspirations for such foolishness, John McCain prepares to be taught a few lessons in economics, justice and morality from his creator.

And Burning Man founder Larry Harvey has taken his place among the burning men…

All this and a few prognostications from the Bird Whisperer at the podcast below.




Push Back the Perverts

America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host celebrate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ by leading the push back against the perverts hell bent on destroying themselves, and our civilization!

There’s Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner, collectively laughing about so called “email scandals”, while a mother “chooses” infanticide in a Manhattan restaurant.

California’s death row has run out of rooms for murderers, but they have not run out of sex change operations for murderers…

Scientists have proven a songbird can fly from New England to South America, but in Greece the collapse of the EU and the war that will surely follow is creeping steadily closer…

The 2 men dressed as women who crashed the gate at the NSA last week were more likely strung out, coked up, suicidal homos than terrorists, But that hasn’t stemmed the rising Fascism of the Homosexualist mafia:

The Christian owners of Memories Pizza in Indiana had to go into hiding after being threatened with death for stating that they would not condone two homos getting “married”. And only came out of hiding when they heard there were still normal people who would help them out!

The response of Governor Mike Pence? Cower before the queers and repeal the First Amendment!

And while reports of Andreas Lubitz’ “surfing suicide” online are still circulating; evidence that he was also a sex pervert have been virtually scrubbed from the current reportage.

Rabbis are comparing Barry Ho to the Biblical figure Haman, for his “deal” with Iran, (which ignores Iran’s American prisoners Jason Rezaian, Saeed Abedini, and Amir Hekmati), but grants the sociopathic mullahs a path to nuclear weapons.

And Iran’s negotiators are telling more of the truth of it than either Barry, or Kerry, (or any of the girls in charge of the executive branch).

And through all the “negotiations” with the original Islamic State, (the Islamic Republic of Iran), their cousins over at Al Shabab slaughtered Christians from the coast to the college in Somalia and Kenya.

The only bright spot in the continuing decline and fall of Western Civilization came in the form of an armed American man who prevented a mass shooting… by shooting the bastard before he could kill anyone! And all the people said …Amen!

Enjoy the show…