The Beginning of the End

In a week best characterized by the suicide attempt by Howard Stern’s not so happy sidekick, it seemed that no one could get much of anything done! While hundreds of potential bombers lurk in places far away and close to home Barry Ho and the pols of his ilk seemed content to toss the people their bread and circuses while hand wringing over their confusion and inability to play simple children’s games like connect the dots! All this while plotting to deliver efficient death panels to negroes… really! And while women and children were tossed out and burned like so many old girlie magazines, the state of domestic tranquility maintained its frenzied level of murder and mayhem.

Ask yourself why students want to blow up their schools and kill their moms? Why are dads killing their daughters and their baby-sitters? What would make a grandma kill her grandson? And what possesses a factory worker to slaughter his co-workers? The ultimate answers lie in the state of men’s hearts, unrestrained by governors and judges who’ve perverted justice and strike fear into the hearts of no one, save those who would call attention to their corruption.

And meanwhile there stands ready a wicked army ready to fill the void left by a retreating Christianity and an advancing empty secularism. While the institutions of the free world decay, the forces for a thousand years of darkness advance on all sides. And then there’s Al Qaeda and the Taliban to worry about as well.

America’s finest young minds ponder the personhood of dolphins,  while those with advanced degrees in places of power are too confused to determine when its wrong to kill an innocent person. And perhaps our political leaders will be so busy carrying water (and other things) for the advancing homosexual revolution, that by the time the barbarians are slitting their throats, they’ll just have noticed something oddly out of place…

It’s the tragedy and comedy of our civilization as she whimpers, chronichled right here every week….

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