Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: A Generation of Lawlessness

Of Cats, Toads and Criminals

As Scientists close in on the elusive secret to eliminating the pestilence of the toxic cane toad in Australia, a plethora of criminals threaten to negate the glory of their fine work with a tsunami of inglorious acts: From killer and bomber Terry Nichols’ whining, to Bubba Bill Jeff’s immoral opining; from Barry Ho’s Social Security scam and on to his healthcare flim-flam; and from Quebec’s murder consigns to America’s Stem Cell Frankensteins, the western world slides grimly toward that dark goodnight.

Betting the Bank on Personhood

With Personhood efforts culminating in successful ballot access in two states we pin our hopes upon its success, as just about everything else seems futile. Bankers are warning against foolish progressive policies that will be our undoing. Britons are being led by the pied piper. North Korea continues to fester like an open sore upon the countenance of the Allied Powers. The Moslems are raising up a generation of death worshippers and sleepers. And the TSA is proudly serving the cause of security be demeaning the handicapped…But be not faint of heart! Mossad and the Marines are still working to stave off the opportunistic infections we seem to have brought upon ourselves.

Cleveland, Rocks, Government Cheese and the Fruit of the Just-A-System

What’s more fun than a flash mob and a racist cookout? Why, it’s a government job working in the disgraced and discredited global warming industry! Not for you… well there’s always Cleveland I suppose. And it would all seem light hearted fun poking were it not for the reality of the bloodshed in our streets that rival Helmand province any day. While justice achieves a whimper, the mother’s hearts turn from their children. The Fathers kill their wives and daughters, and toss their children into the deep. And when the young teens party spills into the street, so does his blood.

It may not be an altogether pretty picture… but it is the truth as reported right here, right now, and without malice aforethought. You may laugh, you may cry but you’re certain to find some solace in the hope that remains when you tune in at the link below

Download the Latest Conservative Talk Show Here – Titled: A Generation of Lawlessness MP3

Of Cats, Toads and Criminals

As Scientists close in on the elusive secret to eliminating the pestilence of the toxic cane toad in Australia, a plethora of criminals threaten to negate the glory of their fine work with a tsunami of inglorious acts: From killer and bomber Terry Nichols’ whining, to Bubba Bill Jeff’s immoral opining; from Barry Ho’s Social Security scam and on to his healthcare flim-flam; and from Quebec’s murder consigns to America’s Stem Cell Frankensteins, the western world slides grimly toward that dark goodnight.

Betting the Bank on Personhood

With Personhood efforts culminating in successful ballot access in two states we pin our hopes upon its success, as just about everything else seems futile. Bankers are warning against foolish progressive policies that will be our undoing. Britons are being led by the pied piper. North Korea continues to fester like an open sore upon the countenance of the Allied Powers. The Moslems are raising up a generation of death worshippers and sleepers. And the TSA is proudly serving the cause of security be demeaning the handicapped…But be not faint of heart! Mossad and the Marines are still working to stave off the opportunistic infections we seem to have brought upon ourselves.

Cleveland, Rocks, Government Cheese and the Fruit of the Just-A-System

What’s more fun than a flash mob and a racist cookout? Why, it’s a government job working in the disgraced and discredited global warming industry! Not for you… well there’s always Cleveland I suppose. And it would all seem light hearted fun poking were it not for the reality of the bloodshed in our streets that rival Helmand province any day. While justice achieves a whimper, the mother’s hearts turn from their children. The Fathers kill their wives and daughters, and toss their children into the deep. And when the young teens party spills into the street, so does his blood.

It may not be an altogether pretty picture… but it is the truth as reported right here, right now, and without malice aforethought. You may laugh, you may cry but you’re certain to find some solace in the hope that remains when you tune in at the link below

Download the Latest Conservative Talk Show Here – Titled: A Generation of Lawlessness MP3