Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Intervention

We were one of the first conservative talk shows to to reveal the rank hypocrisy of the “med stream media” in letting Eric Holder off the hook for making sure Politico got his letter apologizing for the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry before his family got a copy… we will not be the last. But rest assured we will be only conservative talk show cross-linking it accurately to the web of lies and corruption that have turned even conservatives…. well,…. liberal!

Some examples of the aforementioned rank hypocrisy, lies and corruption, (not necessarily in that order) covered this week include Barry Ho’s two pronged attack on both Smallpox, and the need for 2012 campaign cash, Penn State’s idol worship, collegiate queer seduction, and the utter failure of the just-a-system at Ft. Hood.

And then there’s the general fired for speaking the truth about Afghanistan, and polls that might lead you to believe we’re winning, or that RE-publicans are somehow more righteous than Democrats. (And by “we” we mean normal people, you know… the Christians…) well you’re wrong on both counts Gallup.

Meanwhile in Texas a man targeted by thieves is raped, a 4 year old boy in New York is shot, and a 73 year old Indiana woman is murdered for her jewelry. And the lawyers running America’s just-a-system tell you and other listeners of the more popular conservative talk shows (and Fox News) that “we’ve got the best system in the world”. Well, we ain’t buyin’ it!

While the so called “Palestinians” refuse to give up their wicked pursuit of the right to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews, Personhood advocates come within striking distance in Mississippi and in Ohio (and elsewhere), vow never to give up as well. It’s up to you to decide which team you’re rooting for…

Get the best and latest conservative talk at the podcast link below, and witness the events of the week through the lens of original thought…


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Taking Sides

While press secretary Jay “skip” Carney may have no idea as to what’s in Bible or not, you can bet that the host of the fastest moving conservative talk show online knows what’s up.

The Mohammedans are firebombing in France and beheading in Saudi Arabia, while Western Civilization is frittered away by lawyers in a just-a-system that insists on tracking wife beaters and child molesters instead of simply addressing the problems with justice.

And the Catholic Bishops apparently think bringing a concealed weapon to church is an “act of violence“, but standing up for the Personhood of the unborn child is a vague and risky proposition that shouldn’t be undertaken hastily, and not without the consultation of the aforementioned lawyers

And we poked a little more fun at Barry and his puppeteers this week regarding a demand from real life wild west Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona that the state of Hawaii produce the microfiche original birth certificate that surely resides somewhere deep in the bowels of the Aloha state’s bureaucracy!

And what conservative talk show would be complete without promoting a book by a Navy Seal, (and a theory as to just who “Seal Team Six” is… government diapers, Barry’s nicotine withdrawal syndrome, and Nancy Pelosi’s latest attempt to hide her “inner ugly” with plastic surgery!


It’s all here folks, just bubbling up from the podcast below!