

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for a revealing review of the news of the day through the lens of original thought.

Hear about another bloodbath Wednesday night on the town in Denver, why no one goes to the store without pondering their mortality these days, and how God is calling all of us to plan our escape!

Leftist author Amanda Mull can’t be sure she knows anything at all, (and she’d like to convince you of the same). Vermonters and other idiots are going to the E.R. because they’ve tested positive for the common cold, (omicron style), and the Chinese communists may be using the pandemic as a cover for mass murder.

The Hidembarrass administration is contracting for COVID graft out through 2024, Candace Owens won’t say much of anything Donald Trump needs to hear, and the aforementioned common cold has cancelled the Westminster Dog Show, and has the kids at U of P running for shelter, (in place).

Harry Reid got the death penalty he so richly deserved.

Adrian Owen might be called a doctor, and his work is important; but he’s not yet gotten on with the business of making all of us who’ve mistreated brain injured, “vegetative” patients, (whom he’s proven can often communicate) well again.

The experts just discovered something they didn’t know staring them right in, (and from) the face. J.K. Rowling has abandoned her common sense in pursuit of what we are not sure. And NASA is preparing for the inevitable collapse of Darwinian Evolution (and the other delusions it has contributed to) by hiring theologians for the inevitable revelation of ALIENS!

All that and the message of the Baby Jesus the world leaves out, the joys of oral surgery, & holiday demolition, and repair.






Urinalists, Insurrectionists & Prime Molesters

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host examine the assault upon the senses that is the news these days…

Hear Candace Owens apologize for serial fornicator Dave Portnoy, how clandestine gender transition amounts to reason number 1,226 to get (or keep) your kids out of the government schools, and why “Parents Defending Education” must of necessity become “Parents Fleeing Government Schools”.

And in Oregon the person pictured below (Governor Kate Brown) is entrusted with keeping the peace and educating your children:

Gov Kate Brown Criminally Insane

Even as the USDA fantasizes that they have the power to increase meat processing output, your next trip to the doctors office may be a lesson in communist indoctrination, and China mocks the Hidembarass Administration to their face by violating Tiawan’s airspace during a Chirman Xi’s virtual “summit.”

Lockdowns in Europe may be pushing the average Joe to start a war, while in Africa the pandemic simply hasn’t panned out, and in New York the new cop friendly, business friendly leftist mayor somehow finds it appropriate to recognize the legitimacy of the insurrectionists at Black Lives Matter promising him violence.

In Seattle the insurrection is costing real lives, even as the police have to escort the governing officials overseeing it through the menacing hordes they’ve created.

In Portland the insurrection took the form of a riot in light of the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, (and the fact that it was not freezing there like it was in Kenosha).

The American Military is being equipped to win the fight against Climate Change ahead of the People’s Liberation Army in China, the Marine’s are fighting for diversity, equity & inclusion, and the CDC has documented their intent to kill children with experimental “vaccines”, in order to save them.

And finally there’s the college professor who started all those fires, (ahead of his close competitor Climate Change), the inspirational busboy, the slim majority of parents who think they should have the final say in educating their children, and Tik-Tok and other annoying, (and potentially treasonous) updates on your cell phone.