
Leftist Right

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host consider the evidence left right at the scene of the crime.

That crime of course was the murder-suicide of Western Civilization on the watch of the Ruling Left, at the feet of the Cultural Elite, and at the hands of you and me.

Find out how history rhymes, especially the four cycles, the Seventh Crisis, and how pornography will have been found to have destroyed the world.

The United States Senate has confirmed that their sexual insanity as normal, experts should defer to Christians on what to do about sex in the schools, and parents are being arrested for fighting the mutilation of their kids!

A cold case was solved in Colorado, now what about justice? Kamala Harris knows Bill Clinton, the US Army knows “diversity,” and the Navy’s getting queered from the top down.

RE-publican Ron DeSantis vows not to fund Critical Race Theory in his leftist government school bureaucracy.

Everyone is forgetting about Brian Sicknick, (and quite on purpose).

And Joe Biden is bribing Joe Manchin.

All that and pork street tacos, fear and loathing at the doctors office, and getting through the aforementioned end of the world.




Your host joins America’s most attractive audio engineer in a sometimes sober and oft hilarious look at the current state of affairs.

You’ll hear about the lawsuits and threat letters that may yield evidence as to whether or not Dominion Voting is corrupt, or Sydney Powell is insane.

Hat tip to Tucker Carlson for cogently addressing the Ruling Left’s coming war on domestic “terrorists” (like you and me), prayers for Taiwan as Biden the Red goes silent on Chinese aggression, and to hell with the ACLU, (HRC, and the NEA) for more transgender propaganda in the government schools.

More Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” erasures of history were exercised by the Washington Post on Kamala Harris’s strange and embarrassing public record, the chief “historian” of Texas is lying about the history of the Alamo, and Twitter suspended a few token ANTIFA sites to “balance” the many throttled or disappeared on the Right.

That’s the same Twitter alleged to have let child abuse videos circulate despite the requests of the victim and his family, (and eventually law enforcement) to take them down.

America’s government schools continue to suffer epidemic levels of suicide.

We ask why President Trump neglected to classify the Chinese Communist Party as a Trans-National Criminal Organization, but did make time to pardon Lil Wayne…

We unpack the good, the bad and the ugly facts around the National Guard being exiled to a parking garage, the COVID hysteria concentration camps in Germany, the COVID hysteria, hysteria from Neil Ferguson & Boris Johnson in

England, and the strange cases of false positives among PCR tests for the Novel Coronavirus worldwide.

Finally we check in with a hodgepodge of new age weirdos who assert the free agency and personhood of water, but will not confess the humanity of an unborn little girl.

All that and the insurrection that did not take place in every capital in America, Charles Mackay’s “Extraordinary Popular Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds”, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the falling I.Q. of our devolving race, and what the term normal really means.




Once in a Lifetime!

America’s most attractive audio engineer returns with her host to a world one or two steps closer to insanity.

Find out why truffles will be better in the next life, hear about a real and present danger to trannies, and discover the tale of a twelve year-old girl who took Uber to her suicide.

Hear Donald Trump praise Pete Buttigieg and other homos. Speaking of homos, did the storm chasing homo “proposal” gross you out too? And speaking of gross, what’s with Gillette putting trannies in their ads?

We’ll check in with Lorne Michaels on the precise terms of his contract with Satan, and the #metoo (#himtoo) movement.

And then for some SCIENCE! (Really)? as ETs are set to replace God with the stupid, dumb idiot set, and yet another missing link has allegedly been found!

Find out why the birth of a submarine volcano could simply never be observed on a 4,543,000,000 year old planet, (but it is being observed right now on earth)!

Hear the story of where all the water on the earth came from if you are a completely irrational imbecile.

Fifty dead in Chicago… Just another weekend you ask? No. these are fifty prostitutes who’s deaths may be linked, (by something other than prostitution).

Speaking of prostitution, the same San Fran pol who was passed around by a number of the political men of her generation in the Bay Area Kamala “Camel Hairs” Harris wants to actually legalize the means by which she built her political career, namely: prostitution!

75% of college students support murdering an innocent person to solve a problem in all or most cases. The other 25% only sometimes. No word yet as to where on the “pro-choice” spectrum the mass murderer in Virginia Beach fell. And the mass killer in Darwin Australia appears to have been in favor of killing about four, but may qualify as “Pro-Life” since he was apparently at the very least ambivalent about killing over seven and a half billion other people.

And finally while the nascent government of Iraq knows that Islamic State fighters and their supporters must be killed, the Fifth Republic piled atop France apparently believes in inflicting the death penalty they deserve upon others.

All that and stupidity vs robotics behind the wheel and other pithy comments of interest and amusement at the podcast below.