
Collapsing Unrealities

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host as they unravel the unraveling of the unrealities lately being passed off as real.

Join Volodomyr Zelensky and Joe Biden on the phone, (or at least Zelensky was really there

Peer with us into Tony Fauci’s megalomania complete with his bobble-head, of him, on his desk! And look with us into the dark heart of Boris Johnson abandoning COVID restrictions faster than a BLM organizer absconding with bling & bags of cash. And hope against hope with us that the sinister forces behind the tyranny of late, (who were dumb enough to invest in Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes) might not be able to carry all this off much longer.

In Canada talk of gender bending & child killing are acceptable, while the views of fifty thousand “freedom truckers“, (and the millions of normal people supporting them) are deemed unacceptable by Justin Trudeau (before he hides).

Hear all about reason number 1,216 to get or keep your kids out of the government schools, (caution tape around the young, innocent & unvaxxed students), reason 1,215: the Marxist “director of ethnic studies” (or diversity officer or some such agent of D.I.E.) – married to a child molester, and then hear from stoner Michael Phelps who’s not sure how confused he is by trannies or anything else!

Then there’s reason number 1,217 – the clandestine gender identity crisis involving a 12 year old girl and school officials, sprung on her parents after her suicide attempt at school…

Jordan Peterson told Joe Rogan about the Bible in no uncertain term, and then resigned his tenured position at the university!

And Rogan’s success in podcasting has Neil Young and Joni Mitchell offering to cancel themselves! So we invite Fleetwood Mac, the Grateful Dead, and any other dreadful 70’s acts to join them.

All that and collapsing infrastructure, the nadir of the Just-a-System, featuring Michael Avenatti & Stormy Daniels, and a fond farewell to Donald McBurney; the dad who first told us that real men love Jesus!




Your host joins America’s most attractive audio engineer in a sometimes sober and oft hilarious look at the current state of affairs.

You’ll hear about the lawsuits and threat letters that may yield evidence as to whether or not Dominion Voting is corrupt, or Sydney Powell is insane.

Hat tip to Tucker Carlson for cogently addressing the Ruling Left’s coming war on domestic “terrorists” (like you and me), prayers for Taiwan as Biden the Red goes silent on Chinese aggression, and to hell with the ACLU, (HRC, and the NEA) for more transgender propaganda in the government schools.

More Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” erasures of history were exercised by the Washington Post on Kamala Harris’s strange and embarrassing public record, the chief “historian” of Texas is lying about the history of the Alamo, and Twitter suspended a few token ANTIFA sites to “balance” the many throttled or disappeared on the Right.

That’s the same Twitter alleged to have let child abuse videos circulate despite the requests of the victim and his family, (and eventually law enforcement) to take them down.

America’s government schools continue to suffer epidemic levels of suicide.

We ask why President Trump neglected to classify the Chinese Communist Party as a Trans-National Criminal Organization, but did make time to pardon Lil Wayne…

We unpack the good, the bad and the ugly facts around the National Guard being exiled to a parking garage, the COVID hysteria concentration camps in Germany, the COVID hysteria, hysteria from Neil Ferguson & Boris Johnson in

England, and the strange cases of false positives among PCR tests for the Novel Coronavirus worldwide.

Finally we check in with a hodgepodge of new age weirdos who assert the free agency and personhood of water, but will not confess the humanity of an unborn little girl.

All that and the insurrection that did not take place in every capital in America, Charles Mackay’s “Extraordinary Popular Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds”, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the falling I.Q. of our devolving race, and what the term normal really means.




Social Information Kills the News

Tune in to America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for an autopsy on The News, and other top stories!

Hear about the RE-publicans in West Virginia who want to put Bibles in whore-houses, more  and more heinous murder alongside the DNA databases that might just prevent it despite the best efforts of hapless democratic governments to stop them.

Learn reason 1,120 to get or keep your kids out of the government schools, (the teachers are keeping their gender-queering a secret from parents now).

We cover the mass-hysteria and market crashing widespread panic that is the West Nile, ZIKA, Bird Flu, MERS, Corona Virus and discuss how “The News” is hyping it to save themselves, (but they’re already dead and just don’t know it yet).

There was a mass shooting in Milwaukee that almost no one noticed, (except the dead and their families), a “peace” deal with the Taliban that no one in their right mind can believe, and a straw poll at Matt Schlapp’s phony-baloney CPAC that proved what gullible morons CPAC members are…

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of England knocked up the slut for whom he left the mother of his four children. And as most of us suspected MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is a creep, (and in a filthy, nasty way).

Rapist and child molester Roman Polanski won an award in Paris, while Steven Spielberg’s daughter wants to be a porn star.

70 Years after the Holocaust the Jews are doing so well that much of the western world is hating on them again.

And while ingenious Chinese researchers prepare 100,000 ducks to move against the Biblical swarms of locusts making their way into Pakistan from Africa, one Chinese Mother (caught paying a $400,000.00 bribe so her son could get high and go gay at UCLA) dispelled the myth that all Asians are smart!

All that plus Madonna and Oprah vs gravity, chain-saws 101, how the South Carolina Primary finally killed the campaign of Homo Pete, and possibly even more at the podcast link below: