Domestic Tranquility

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer serves up slices of musical interlude amongst the slabs of truth, offense, and even a bit of fun… You’ll hear the real Machiavellian reason behind traffic in Manhattan, how the roughnecks and wildcatters … Continue reading


A Witness to the Suicide

This week America’s most attractive audio engineer pilots her host through observations of the sweeping out of the unrighteous & the weak by the righteous… or perhaps by the unrighteous, but the strong…

Observe Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and the girl he’s shacking up with shamelessly announce their illegitimate child, A Moslem Mayor in Londonistan, how our government schools deal with nude selfies of high school girls, and a maniac spraying rat poison at the grocery store.

Discover how suicide has become a solution to depressing situations for otherwise well adjusted couples, a man seeking a restraining order against God, the proper fine for a bully’s parents, and how Judge Roy Moore in Alabama is risking his career, standing athwart the collapsing calliopy shouting STOP!

And witnessing against those who would murder the disabled, (especially in the womb): Anaya Ellick is seven, and has won a national penmanship contest despite having been born without hands!

Hillary’s email scandal remains the last best hope for your host’s bolds prediction that somehow she will not be the democrat nominee. Scientists have discovered more planets in the “habitable zone“, (like the habitable zone occupied by earth’s moon). And other scientists are just beginning to discover the vast expanse of things they just don’t know about yet!

Missouri’s House has acknowledged the Personhood of the unborn, Barry HO has acknowledged the non-sequitur of trans-gendered, homosexual motherhood, and heathens and atheists everywhere continue to search for a way to escape responsibility for all their lies.

Tune in to the podcast and listen in to one of the more entertaining accounts of the continuing suicide of a civilization you’ll find anywhere!


Till My Trophies at Last I Lay Down

America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host illuminate the consequences of standing for what is right, even in the face of a world gone stupid.

We’ve got race hustlers hell bent on “fixing” the Oscars, homosexualists saying Ben Carson can’t be elected because he’s not “comfortable” with the queers, and the International Olympic Committee writing rules on how trans gendered boys can compete with trans gendered girls, (or however that works)…

Then there’s the whining pile of lesbians attacking the military for titles like “infantryMAN” & “midshipMAN”, and a convicted killer in Louisiana hospital deprived of the opportunity to repent.

On a brighter note, the Personhood movement continues to force the issue that all innocent people have a God given Right to Life; this time in South Carolina & Missouri!

We delve into the dark world of the genocide of Down syndrome children, global strife over the collapse of the oil market, and your hosts prediction that this is the week the FBI will recommend Hillary Rodham Clinton for indictment for her criminal mishandling of classified intelligence.

Speaking of Hillary; her new political ad features a boy kissing a boy, and lesbians holding babies!

She beats out Sarah Palin for the grossest moment of the week, but Palin holds on to win the most embarrassing public display of the week, with her rousing impersonation of that loud drunk chick at the end of the bar yelling and belligerent… and endorsing Donald Trump!

Grab the podcast and face another week knowing that at least now you really know what’s going on!