
Turning Points

America’s most attractive audio engineer is joined in the ever shrinking Worldview studios by America’s fastest streaming conservative talk host!

We join, in progress, Dean Parker’s war on ISIS, another tax payer funded search for the Big Bang (in Antarctica), and the shunning of the one who’s name shall not be mentioned by the inspirational Duggar clan.

The proctocracy continues headlong toward the rim of Hell with their outrageous failure to indict John Hinckley Jr. for the murder of James S. Brady, and we document the continuing breaking of the American will as demonstrated by the supine response of Brady’s family.

We go to New York where the cops are letting “minor” crimes slide, out of fear of being ambushed by the street thugs representing Mayor de Blasio, Al Sharpton, the DNC, George Soros and Barry HO. And we witness Alan Dershowitz using way too many words to deny his involvement with slave trader, rapist and “Friend of Bill” (Clinton) Jeffrey Epstein.

Hear how Barry HO continues to empty Guantanamo; sending terrorists out to make war upon America, and how Boko Haram is giving ISIS a run for their money in the contest to establish the largest caliphate!

The atheist, communist Chinese authorities continue the crackdown on Christians (who are beginning to outnumber them), as the Moslem hoards continue their campaign of religious cleansing against Christians in the Middle East.

And in Japan, (America’s cultural canary in the mine so to speak), the birthrate has collapsed, leaving the aging with no one to take care of them, and worse, leaving the social brick of the nuclear family in ruin. And while that goes on, erstwhile lawyers work within the Proctocracy to establish legal Personhood for animals, while they strip legal Personhood from children!

All this as America’s next generation is inspired by Nicki Minaj’s tale of how she killed her baby, and how it was the right thing to do, and 15 year old girls are forced to rely on their baseball bat wielding fathers to keep the lecherous teachers from texting them!

It’s a whole lotta stuff you won’t hear the other conservative talkers touch. But you get it right between the eyes at the podcast link below!

Ertelt Avoids Right to Life: Endorses Regulating Murder

As the “dark lord” descended upon Prescott AZ, and the American government issued directives on the roasting of marshmallows, your host and his extremely attractive audio engineer wrestled with the issues great and small for your edification and entertainment… Joel … Continue reading