Listen in to hear how America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host are dealing with reality.

It’s back to school in Virginia for reason 2,014 to keep your kids out. It’s into the weeds as the Daily Caller entertains House Minority Whip Katherine Clark’s derangement regarding her ANTIFA aligned, pervert son. And we hope it’s to the McBurney compound somehow for 19 year old Jacob Kersey who quit his job rather than bow to the mob!

We’ll visit the Russian Front, the maternity ward in post IUD reality, and Jackson Mississippi where fashionable obsessions regarding race, gender and entertainment might give way to thoughts of getting water to drink.

A pro-abort asks why pro-lifers don’t uphold the inalienable right to life without exception, and exposes the hypocrisy on both sides, and the murder in the hearts of men.

Hear evidence that we all knew masks were useless against viruses from back in 2003, and evidence that the COVID 19 “emergency” may never really end.

Pfizer Executive Vice President Jordan Trishton Walker is an unapologetic faggot atop one of the most powerful companies on earth, but he still doesn’t know that adaptation is not mutation, nor that once you “direct” evolution, it’s called “design!”

The children of the Irish who saved civilization seem on the brink of losing it. Civil bureaucrats at the zoo want to help you hate your ex. And Andrew Tate is not a conservative! He’s a pimp and a molester of the lowest order, and the face of the fall of a generation for whom all manner of criminality has been legalized.

A RE-publican in Louisiana is suggesting that (in light of the legalization of fornication), it’s time we replace responsible fatherhood with a law forcing men cover half the bills of their baby momma.

Hear our take on the alleged Chinese spy balloon in light of the stoned children at the helm of America’s defense infrastructure.

And we thank God for the freedom and the victory of heroic father Mark Houck over the murderous death cult who sought to imprison him.