
Snapshots from the Bizzaro World

This week America’s own world class conservative talk host and his extremely attractive audio engineer bump around talk of science, religion and politics from a proper, correct, enlightening and sometimes hilarious world view!

Hear about Bruce Jenner’s descent into mental illness, (and how his family is encouraging him to make it a reality show), how Suge Knight has capped off a career of crimes against humanity with murder, how it was that ending long term unemployment benefits was the biggest engine for “job creation” in 2014, how an open flaming homo in the Colorado legislature had his cold, dark conscience exposed by a godly prayer, and just how corrupt the whole Obamaphone fiasco really is.

We dive right in and ask the tough questions about science…. really? Find out how you can participate in Question Evolution Day, hear how atheist fear mongers are warning of “Peak Food“, while other atheist are telling us they know a skull is 55,000 years old, but they’re not sure if it was a boy or a girl, and Robert Boyle, one of the fathers of modern chemistry is profiled regarding his discovery of “Boyle’s Law”, the invention of the original litmus test, and his belief, (along with many other fathers or science) in Adam & Eve, Noah & the Flood, and the coming judgement by fire at the end of the age!

A drunken bureaucrat managed to penetrate White House security in a DWI (“droning while intoxicated“) adventure, Iran is sending communications and threat to Israel via their apparent new favorite ally the United States, The American State Department is letting the Moslem Brotherhood in through the front door, while congress is forced to sneak the Israeli Prime Minister in through the back, and Raul Castro wants Gitmo back (almost as much as Barry wants to give it back)!

At least one of the terrorist generals swapped for Bowe Bergdahl is returning to the fight, (even as the Presidential team of Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Power & their assistant Barack Obama are working hard to avoid Bergdahl’s Court Martial for desertion), while the new king of Saudi Arabia is a well known terrorist, (and the Saudi Flag that Barry bowed to and the ISIS flag both just happen to carry the same message)!

And finally, as ISIS releases another video of a beheaded civilian captive, we are reminded that the pedigree of the Islamists we must fight leads right back through the gates of Auschwitz



Culture of Death

Join America’s conservative talk leader and his extremely attractive audio engineer as she wraps all the news fit to bump around in an hour with the power to really change the world!

We’ve got lesbians who say they were humiliated when mistaken for men, (even as they mistake themselves for men), Federal officials hooking up with queers (and Columbia) , the President getting big applause at the SOTU for his shout outs to the homos, and the IRS awarding a contract to the outfit that built!

The RE-publicans and the pro-life industry had an embarrassing fall out on capital hill this past week when they couldn’t agree on which innocent people they would consent to murder.

The Pope told Catholics not to breed like rabbits, while Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP said “black lives matter” while participating in the murder of innocent black people, the Dutch are assisting in the suicide of tinnitus sufferers, and “assisted suicide” has a new (albeit dead) spokesgirl, (Brittney Maynard, the one who practically killed herself on CNN).

The Shiah Houthis have taken the Sunnis in Yemen (and John McCain wants to arm one side or the other), a Philistine stabbed 9 Jews on a bus, Israel dropped a bomb on an Iranian general and some of his friends in Hezbollah, another Al Qaeda terrorist was released back into the wild, and ISIS beheaded a Japanese citizen to the collective weeping and candle lighting of both Japan and The West.

Tom Brady ain’t ISIS, but he and his team should be kicked out of the Superbowl for cheating. Marky Mark Wahlberg should have been executed for his crimes and should not be asking for a pardon, and finally, the shocking news that violence broke out at an “anti-violence” Hip Hop concert, was noted with all due shock…

Grab the podcast and get more conservative talk in one hour than the others can produce in a whole week!


Gimmie that Old Time Religion

Take an enlightening and entertaining romp through the headlines of the week (and festive bumper music) with Doug McBurney and America’s extremely attractive audio engineer!

Find out about the pizza driver who gave a robber a lesson in the inviolable physical laws of God’s universe, the the dedication and love of a father for his son, (even when love was a difficult choice), and a poor young mother in New Jersey who did what abortionists do every day; she burned he baby to death, (but she did it in the road).

Hear the dark advice of the anti personhood lawyers who brought us legal abortion to Bubba Bill Jeff Clinton, suggesting how he might “eliminate… …the poor,” how George Soros funds the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative, the 3400 troops Barry has sacrificially deployed to train future Islamic terrorists, and the Islamist’s “hit list” posted to sew fear in the hearts of American veterans.

Find out why the unity pagan weep-fest in Paris was not “judenfrei”, why the Pope seems to be saying “Je Suis Mohhamed“, and how Nancy Pelosi is propelling a Moslem even deeper into America’s Intelligence community.

Mitt Romney apparently plans to run a presidential campaign free of conservative thought, but rife with ideas inspired by Bernie Sanders and pagan fairy tales; while reason #869 to get your kids out of the government schools involves a “pleasure activist” from Planned Parenthood teaching in the classroom!

A judge in NY was ready to give a plea deal to the thug who killed Ariel Russo, while Child Protective Services has been enlisted in Maryland to properly supervise parents who let their children walk down the street like civilized people.

The Creation Evolution debate has again spilled into the world of sport, a Baptist church in Virginia has apparently found their Bible, The Dalai Lama says he’s a Marxist, the “boy who went to heaven” has recanted, and Franklin Graham was kind enough to sum up what we call Good Religion!

It’s all included, in brilliant audio perfection at the podcast below. Give it a download and go into this week knowing so much more than the average moron!