Conservative Talk: The Weekly Worldview-Keep Your Powder Dry

Welcome back to the weeks top conservative talk show on the web! This week we plumb the depths and scale the heights with you as we examine the state of the culture through the lens of original thought.

As Caylee Anthony’s day of justice creeps ever closer we can’t help but mention the fact that no one seems to know who her dad is… and we take note that when one doesn’t know one’s father, a host of ills await.

And just think about the 7 year old caught driving a car, who when asked by police why he did so, he said he wanted to visit his dad, who no longer lives with his mom… divorce and broken families are the fruit of the immorality America embarked on in earnest decades ago. And a foul fruit it is…

As we see in New Jersey with feral, naked children roaming the streets while mom is out with her boyfriend for a couple of days. And on the other extreme of the parenting scale we have young girls in Pakistan kidnapped and outfitted with suicide vests. How long oh Lord…

And in New York Governor Cuomo’s gone homo. With the help of several RE-publicans he has made homosexual marriage “legal”. (It should be unmentionable). But he’s popular in the Village & in the polls… not as popular as Osama bin Laden is in Egypt and Pakistan, but he’s popular…

And speaking of the middle east there’s a new Axis brewing that might just run from Tehran, through Moscow and all the way to Beijing. But in the west we focus on celebrating deviance at the public pool, and dodging the baggy panted flash robbers striking all around.

And the Government insists on forcing private companies to show pictures depicting the unvarnished truth about smoking cigarettes while with the other hand they legalize marijuana and repress the images that show the truth about killing unborn children.

Will the Allies even survive to find our Churchill? And will be overrun first by the Moslems, the communists, the gangsta’s or our own sin? We predict the latter, unless the normal people who are left keep our powder dry…

And then there’s Cal Zastrow from Personhood USA shouting “bring it on!” right into the face of the beast, and we are encouraged…

Enjoy the show folks, and should the Lord tarry we’ll be back next week!


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Culture of Confusion

After a painfully long hiatus The Weekly Worldview returns with the best conservative talk on the web! We say farewell to Jack Kevorkian, hello to HHS promoting more homosexuals adopting children, and whaaaaa???? to open homo’s defiling the USMC. And then there’s Iran within 60 days of getting the fuel for their very own Islamabomb, the UNPalestinian state, Israeli marksmanship along the Golan border with Syria, and Hamas summer camps!

It’s Keith Mason & Personhood USA vs Dan Grossman of the Bixby Center and Ibis “reproductive health” in the debate over when life and Personhood begin. And it’s the sane vs the Just-A-System all across the nation. The CDC says autism and ADHD are rising on an alarming track. Coincidentally, parents are falling down on the job all across North America and the West. It’s no wonder the kids are confused, ill or drugged!

And the deviants continued to pour out of the closet this week, as last, and the week before that! More than half of Millennials support homosexual marriage and abortion, while the Mitt Romney demographic is well represented in the two thirds of Americans who call themselves both pro-life and Pro-choice…

We know it can get a bit confusing, but give a listen to the podcast and we’ll do our best to clear it all up.