CVonservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: You Judge!

Just off hiatus in California, (which appears to be generally closed for business) your host and his extremely attractive audio engineer confront a plethora of less than comfortable subject matter for your edification and entertainment.

There’s Ann Coulter almost confirming our suspicions about her moral proclivities, (but among the GOProud crown there’s always lingering questions….) And Bert & Earnie are the latest characters to be lumped in with the homos, (or at least tossed on the pile).

Colleges across the nation are back in session and the further destruction of all that is good in Western Civilization is in the cross hairs of the deviants on staff, and government cheese is on the minds of the hungry students when their not trying to outrun the professors trying to get them in the sack….

The Libertarians are building independent island nations, and as usual they almost get it right. And the Atheists have won the right to host a godless concert at Ft. Bragg. No telling if Pat Robertson will pray for rain.

A new report indicates aliens may destroy us all for our light bulbs and CO2 emissions, (but we think they’d more likely be provoked by watching the progress of Tucson Massacre killer Jared Lee Loughner, or the release of the West Memphis Three, or the state of modern child rearing in Texas, (our last hope indeed)!

And Barry Ho is considering becoming a landlord to millions while he talks to Warren Buffet about things other than shoring up Bank of America. And Joe Biden accidentally admits he’s for killing children but that he mostly disagrees with Chinese methods, (although he completely understands).

And as private industry works to replace the bloated and dilusional beaurocrats at NASA, Iran is threatening to wipe out Israel, and it seems their actually planning an UNvote onit in the fall. And a hard fall it’s going to be.

Enjoy the podcast my friend…


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Purge of Wisdom

This week the pulse of Conservative Talk on the Web is bursting at the seams with news and godly insight as to the real reason America is no longer exceptional… now we’re just “Standard & Poor”…and how we might return to being the former.

Starting with Dolly Parton begging pardon for her staff’s insistence that a deviant “Dollywood” visitor refrain from wearing a t-shirt implying that normal marriage is somehow less desirable that a destructive and wicked homosexual lifestyle, we move on to Marvel Comics implying that being black or Mexican somehow equates to being a queer, (at least as far as their new “Spiderman” goes)

And then there’s the United Methodists offering up a lesbian nativity, and Rick Perry, the governor of Texas and potential evangelical president in the mold of George W. Bush.

The TSA seems more concerned with trans-gendered sensitivity training that preventing the next terrorist attack, and the Sao Paulo city council is in a fight to establish a “heterosexual pride day”, as if we needed that…. and if we do, then what in the world has happened to normalcy in Brazil and beyond!

Teachers and Parents head up this weeks panoply of untrained, undisciplined morons exchanging the wisdom of our forefathers for a fantasy of self indulgence that’s taking the culture to the rim of hell. And the Air Force runs for cover the minute an unwashed heathen raises a stink about a course for military officers on Christian Just War Theory.

And there’s murder and mayhem from Rapid City to Augusta Georgia, to Staten Island. While in Vermont the “Just-a System” holds fast to legal doctrine while abandoning justice.

And the historic American credit downgrade appears to be stripping the veneer of credibility that was the last tether of our civilization to fiscal solvency, and this may just be the first act in a global tragedy of biblical proportions…

On the bright side, the Christian remnant in Montana has prevailed upon their state with yet another Personhood Initiative, and signature gathering has commenced in what we hope will be noted as the surprising little movement that helped save us all from destruction or the Caliphate!

Download the podcast for all the details!


Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: How Long oh Lord

Coverage this week includes forgiveness in Tehran, Matt Staver: an expert on process, but out of touch with morality, teachers and principals smoking meth together for your kids, homos announce a solid plan to corrupt four million kids this coming government school year, and McDonalds gets blamed for the liberals sins.

Another weekend bloodbath pours over the heartland as the crime epidemic gets into the swing of summer, Chinese military officials begin a nifty science experiment involving an aircraft carrier, while real American Staff Sgt. James Moran is deemed to have a psychological condition for admitting that homos gross him out!

And the Islamists are taking over Egypt right on cue, (wonder if Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper will visit for coverage of the people’s caliphate)? But you can bet they’ll be there to cover the atheists whining about the 9/11 cross!

Meanwhile mad scientists continue to usher in the ultimate judgment of God by creating human/animal hybrid embryos and putting mankind on a course to harvest and consume innocent children in order to feel better. And while we may be alone in the universe for now, believe me, it won’t be long before we’re joined by the Army of Jesus Christ, coming with wrath and vengeance for these evil-doers.

And then there’s “Fast and Furious”, a scandal that would have put any conservative in jail by now… but who’s paying attention?

Enjoy the podcast folks!