
Caligulon Babylonia

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host hang out signposts along the road back from Babylon.

We find out from congressional RE-publicans how much their scheme of well regulated child killing costs in dollars and cents, and why neither Vladimir, nor Volodymyr, nor Trump are the men, (or the  women) to salvage Christendom from the Baby Boomers.

We’ll get some advice on political theatrics (performed this side of the open border) from Michael Flynn, check in on the “summer skool staph” in charge of feeding your children, and lament how the push back against the sodomizing of the American mind has sadly fallen to proud hooligans.

Julian Assange is trying to act as though he wasn’t already going to kill himself, an engineer at Google formed a relationship with an A.I. app that creeped out even the creeps running Google, and Mayor Pete “Butt-I-Gag” Buttigieg, transssportation sssecretary, fell victim to his own incompetence over the weekend and responded with threats of petulant tyranny.

A Scotsman is refusing to donate blood until the useful idiots at the blood bank stop forcing him to answer questions about his pregnancy, Sam Houston want’s us to arrest the homo/pedophile “chemistry teacher” sneaking boys to the drag show, and when an unsuspecting democrat mayor is punched while out on the town, it begs the question: ok…. why exactly?

All that plus: Isaiah calls it! Once again. The Liberty Daily and the headline of the week. The Babylon Bee and the gag of the week. And Colorado Public Radio’s Bente Birkeland find herself up to her pronouns in yet another unborn nigger controversy.



Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host explain the insurrection in Black and White. Discover the level of enemy infiltration from China via the “United Front” & “Confucius Institutes”, why John Kerry should be arrested, and … Continue reading


Sign of the Times

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer wraps the decline and fall of Western Civilization into bite sized chunks so as not to gag you…

Hear all about reason# 1,100 to get or keep your kids out of the government schools when we visit with a mom who beat up her daughters rival at the local high school, and reason # 1099 – New York dropping their literacy test for teachers!

The Paris City Council tried to stem the tide of pornography as advertising, the cops in Southern California are arresting fewer and fewer, even as the crime rate rises, and Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood refused Donald Trumps request to stop killing kids.

The Freeway fire in Atlanta turned out not be terrorism, but just another all American grown up misfit, high on crack, Al Gore found the Book of Revelation, and the trannies are piling up in Sweden faster than the surgeons can chop and stitch!

Then there is reason # 1,102… a high school principal in Sand Point Idaho cruising for impressionable teens in secret; reason # 1,103 – the latest live streamed rape by a product of the public schools… and finally reason # 1,101 – a 50 year old teacher kidnapping a female high school freshman!

We check in on the saga of General Michael Flynn and Svetlana

And we discuss which birth certificate is “faker”… the one Barry showed Donald Trump in 2011, or the one his alleged half-brother Malik Tweeted in March!

All that and tales of buses, trains and Thai food, right at the podcast below…