Full Circle Idiocy

This week we outstrip all other conservative talk outlets by heeding the advice of Ambassador Alan Keyes, (as delivered live and in person to Denver Bible Church members) and peeling back the veneer of false intellectualism and revealing the underlying core of stupidity & regressive thought that informs post-Christian opinion and action.

The boyhood school of actor James Dean provided a solemn analogy for America’s education establishment and and the influence of actors like James Dean, as it collapsed under the weight of it’s own rot this past week.

Meanwhile the immeasurable grace of God continued to be revealed as a computer operated, driverless car transported a man to the airport after a 33 mile ride!

Bible reading on the internet is booming according to the American Bible Society. A Jewish CNN reporter admits that he can’t tell if Jews, Christians & Muslims worship the same god, but foolish heathen John McCain insists that we do!

Barry HO met with Vladimir Putin by accident as he passed him in a hallway on the way to a bathhouse to meet with homosexual propagandists in St. Petersburg, Russia. And Dick Chaney’s “Lez”daughter, Mary clashed with his “Liz” daughter over the politics of queer marriage & the states ostensible right to violate the enduring commands of the Living God, (which is the non Lez’s position).

The National Right to Life Committee has sent a threatening letter to any legislator who dare question their efforts to teach doctors how to properly murder innocent people,  (all while continuing their main functions: lying while raising money from “pro-life” marks).

In Australia a woman rendered infertile by cancer treatment has regained her fertility via the preservation and implantation of ovarian tissue! And scientists have spent considerable resources to investigate the possibility that unborn babies learn in-utero, (and they have become convinced that indeed they do); further proving the axiom that when the scientist reaches the top of of the mountain, he will find the theologian, already there…

The German police continue to remove children from the homes of Christians who dare to flout Adolph Hitlers law against home-schooling, the “reformist” Pope Francis apparently is having a hard time reforming the practice of quietly shuffling pedophiles around the church; and reason 707 to get your kids out of the public school involves an unnamed California teacher and the tongue of one of his students.

And by the Grace of God paupers today live better than the kings of yesteryear, and in an affront to His Grace; Britain’s government has released another murderer while her legislature was busy surfing for pornography and adultery online.

Finally, a lawyer’s long career of lies and deception, (which had brought him to the rank of judge) was disrupted by a criminal and a toilet tank lid, providing a darkly humorous insight into of the state of justice in America.

If you thought you knew conservative talk, tune in to the podcast and find out what it’s really all about!


Homeschool Heroics

The conservative talk this week was not just all about the continued decline of all that is normal and good, but also the hope that Christian home school families offer to our nation and the world…

In Germany the crackdown against normalcy and Christian home schooling was punctuated by the forced removal, by armed government agents of four home schooled kids from their classroom & their parents home!

Back in America, the level of insanity continues to rise: in Iowa, two leading candidates for Governor bowed in prayer to thank God for the right to kill children. In Georgia a teenager was convicted of murdering an 18 month old baby, and in New Orleans a one-year old girl was killed in her baby sitter’s arms.

The government educrats offered their bright ideas to secure the continued outpouring of God’s blessings upon us and our posterity: Drones! Yes, drones to walk your kids to school. And teachers are moonlighting as prostitutes, just as school districts finalize plans to bring sex education to the kindergarten classroom. And the American president surveys the situation and says, “it’s the right thing to do….”

Reporting from the front lines of the “justice industry” we learn that lawyers and judges in California have somehow convinced the hapless citizens of Santa Clara county to make ready for the release of a serial rapist into their community, and a Montana school teacher who raped his student gets 30 days in jail after she commits suicide.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg married John Roberts over the weekend, (not THAT John Roberts, this one was some queer friend of hers who married another queer, and she merely officiated).

“Scientists” reported this week that we should forget about Genesis: life likely started accidentally kind of on purpose on Mars… we were one of the few news outlets to report their theory WITHOUT a straight face!

Pope Francis bowed to a Moslem monarch in an ominous sign of things to come, while a Christian woman in Pakistan languishes in prison facing death for a blasphemous sip of water and the mention of the name of Jesus Christ instead of the “prophet”.

And finally, the increasingly hysterical homo/artist community in Russia have implied that Vladimir Putin is a closet homosexual, (further cementing our strongly held belief that homosexuality is not only criminal, but that homos are mentally ill).

If you appreciate unflinching conservative talk, you’ll want to grab the podcast below and bask in a brief hour of sanity as you navigate the coming week in an insane world…

Every Knee…

Welcome to the Sunday Edition with America’s conservative talk host and his extremely attractive audio engineer!

This week the Army decided to allow traitor Bradley Manning to take advantage of free living accommodations, food and drink, entertainment & education, and even comprehensive healthcare services, but they draw the line at free sex change hormone treatments!

Terrorist Nidal Hassan was convicted and will be judged, Personhood USA shocked buzzfeed by posting a report containing the truth about Planned Parenthood, Shorty Belton survived the battle of Okinawa, but not the American Gross National Product, and a nurse who assaulted and killed babies in the 80’s was sentenced to 159 years, but may walk free soon.

Ireland has murdered it’s first child under their new Orwellian-ly titled: “Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act”, San Diego is a microcosm of modern American political leadership as they will likely replace  their  heterosexual pervert mayor Bob Filner with the homosexual waiting in the wings, and Churches across the country are trying to plot legal strategies to protect themselves from the onslaught of homo-litigation that has already victimized Christian bakers and photographers!

The New Mexico Supreme Court has declared that every Christian knee shall bow before their homosexualist masters, Barry HO is going behind closed doors with a pile of bisexuals, and Vladimir Putin seems to be the lone politician standing up to the gay mafia.

The intelligence infrastructure of the entire western world teeters on the brink because traitor Ed Snowden apparently wanted to impress Glenn Greenwald and his boyfriend, nearly a third of German men think “zero” is the optimum family size, a sports statistician has shamelessly blogged his suicide, and the war against the father and the family claimed at least two more victims

It might not be all “happy, happy happy”, and other conservative talkers may shy away, but here at the Worldview we give it to you… well, STRAIGHT!