No Bozos!

Join Doug and his extremely attractive audio engineer for a dose of conservative talk sure to make you think!

Everything from the war on Christians, (forget the war on Christmas), to the mind of serial killers and murderers and the pornographers and lawyers who spawned them, to the communist Pope, and the Barry and Kerry show kow-towing to the Mullahs and the Reds!

We’ll talk cheaters, queers, churches, origins, government schools, the surveillance state, knockout games, and the mockery of Justice American justice has become.

It’s not what you might expect from a conservative talk show, but it might be just what you need this week!

The Surrender

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her conservative talker as they focus on the events of the week through the lens of original thought.

We begin with a sociology professor’s analysis of what she describes as an “emergency support system for adult children”, formerly known as “family“, along with just one of the historic surrenders documented this week; that of “fiscal conservatives” to the lying thieving murderous progressives who are in charge of them.

We acknowledge the glory of Christians in Nigeria who are resisting the command of the Islamists to “convert or die“, while CNN names a garbage collector as their “Hero of the Year”. Then God went missing from Barry’s rendition of the Gettysburg Address, and has been eliminated from the Oaths of the Air Force’s Cadet Handbook.

Planned Parenthood opened their new “Pro-Life Industry Compliant” baby killing Center next door to an adoption center in Ft. Worth, and NPR gave short shrift to Personhood, while allowing advocates for the legalized murder of innocent people to categorize unborn children as sub-humans, and promoting heroin use among pregnant women!

Serial killer Paul Joseph Franklin was finally executed in Missouri after more than 35 years, and a series of increasingly embarrassing judicial malfeasances. And even the pleas for clemency of pornographer (and fellow poster child for the death penalty) Larry Flynt could not stay the evermore shaky & unsure hand of American justice.

Meanwhile, the communist Chinese dictatorship asserted it’s authority to fly fighter jets over the territory of American ally Japan, the dictatorship ruling North Korea kidnapped another American, and the Barry & Kerry show helped procure a nuclear bomb for their allies in Iran.

Finally, Prince Charles has publicly admitted his general uselessness in the face of Global Warming, Climate Change, or any other situation, real or imagined, upon which he has exerted  effort in his long & feckless career.

And while your host accepts correction in regards to particle physics from a listener in Alaska, he maintains the position that The Weekly Worldview remains the most significant conservative talk show ever podcast from Denver, in all of history! Find out why at the podcast below!

Impeach & Arrest

Join the conservative talker who’s never been “hannitized” and eschews the shallow mimicry of Limbots as he an his extremely attractive audio engineer focus on the news through the lens of original thought…

This week we expose climate expert scientists who have trouble counting, PGE’s (Products of Government Education) who beat a store owner with their skateboards so they could rob his store, more cowardly men who allowed a TSA agent to bleed to death because the situation was “unsafe”.

We examine how pornography distorts the neural pathways of adolescents and adults, and discover yet another reason we call for the arrest, trial and execution of pornographers.

China may ease it’s one child policy for the sake of jobs and social security, the State Department is trying to make nice with Vlad by letting the Russians build “monitor stations” on American soil, and the UN acknowledges “letting down” the people being allowed to starve in the wake of the Philippines typhoon, (and far from a “let down”, the failure of the civilized world to act will go down as one of the most shameful events in American & world history).

Having been abandoned by the “Barry & Kerry” show, Israel has begun preparing for the war on Iran with the Saudis, another report from an eyewitness in Benghazi indicates that the Moslem terrorists who attacked had inside information, (likely from the Moslem terrorists entrusted with handling “security” there).

There is finally a serious call for the impeachment of Eric Holder in the congress, and we document the fact that your host was the first serious & significant radio personality to call for the impeachment of Barack Obama, (after which we call for his arrest).

Mitt Romney made the news this past week despite his laughable irrelevance, and Ohio couple could face 6 months and $1000 fine for abandoning their 9 year old child, a Florida mom is outraged that her relatively dim child made the “honor roll” with a “C” & a “D” on his report card… and then she quietly sent him back to the outrage of a godless government education

We examine the demented extremes that “scientists” will go to to bypass the need for God in the afterlife, and we find out how a Greenwich Village book store cleans the streets of muck, mire, and the homeless!

The podcast below represents conservative talk from a bygone era; when men spoke their minds without shame, but within the bounds of reason, good taste & Christian Liberty!