True Love

If conservative talk were a shotgun, the weekly worldview would be a double barreled twelve gauge placed firmly against the head of ignorance!

And the good news is that the Sheriff in Louisiana still allows rednecks to shoot kidnappers, even as the NFL devolves in to the level of a circus culture fueled by pride, testosterone, youth and stupidity, and cannot tolerate the love of a man like Tim Tebow (who makes the the other circus freaks uncomfortable).

The debate around the morality of vaccinations continues and we take the subject head on to investigate whether or not it is immoral to NOT vaccinate your children…

College professors continue to try to impress young coeds by extrapolating that earth is just one of billions of possibly inhabitable planets, the United Methodist church has, in at least one case, simply dropped all pretense of Christianity, And the ironically named “ENDA” homosexualist legislation cleared the majority queered Senate this past week.

Speaking of irony, the UN allowed a vote on a nuclear disarmament resolution authored by Iran, while the Israeli Prime Minister warned that the UN & the world are making a mistake of historic proportion! And the Europeans appear to be preparing for the coronation of a 21st century Hitler as national socialism & antisemitism rear their ugly heads across the continent again, (and Europe’s Jews even consider fleeing as they’ve done in centuries past).

But the American Military stands poised to defend the world against all this converging darkness, as symbolized by the marriage of two queers in the Chapel at West Point, (it’s OK, one of them taught Sunday School there)!

In news of the inconceivable: Police in Missouri tasered a father to prevent him from entering a burning house to save his son, CNN offers parenting advice from an Austin Texas psychologists and a “clinical” social workers, (we think that means she hands out RU486 at high schools), and a drunken crowd raves as a man burns to death in their midst…

We offer numerous reasons to avoid institutionalizing your children in either government or secular private schools including reports on rave parties & randos, the homecoming queen’s and ADHD drugs.

Denver Democrats forecast $40m in pot tax revenue, but your host makes a businessman’s prediction. Thanks to Ken Cuccinell’is handlers for their crafting of his inexplicable loss to a democrat vampire, thus not only handing the host another “prediction come true” but finally finishing the destruction of the RE-publican party, (at least among the Christians).

It’s all here for you to stream or download as you please…

Free Death Spiral

Join America’s most versatile conservative talker as he and his extremely attractive audio engineer tackle the BIG issues others are incapable of properly analyzing!

There’s Owen Wilson’s public love child, Iranian Christians imprisoned, murder & mayhem in Philadelphia, a rapist coming to a neighborhood near you, Nanci Pelosi’s plan to destroy womanhood, euthanasia in Belgium, Texan’s proudly regulating the murder of innocent Texans, uplifting stories of women and the babies they killed, and Socialist Dictators for Life!

Barry Ho is purging the military, (at least all the healthy, white, heterosexual Christian males), while Israel is left to strike Iranian weapons on her own & China asserts second strike nuclear capability. But don’t worry, be happy; the Pentagon is promoting diversity & inclusion while sending Robert Gates, architect of your new queer Army to the Boy Scouts!

And finally there’s the special forces who WERE at Benghazi, and Alex Jone’s opinion of fluoride, contrails, false flags and the LAX killer!

Clink to podcast to hear why conservative talk isn’t just for crazies anymore!

Families & Spies

Join America’s most controversial & entertaining conservative talk show, as your host (and his extremely attractive audio engineer) examine the cultural, political and religious news of the week.

Hear about Iran’s “peaceful’ nuclear bomb and their munificent 80 lashes for Christian communion, followed by the state of Christian liberty in Kenya where a pastor was murdered, still holding his Bible!

Meanwhile in America a self proclaimed “militant atheist” punched a preacher in the nose, and the preached DID NOT forgive him!

There’s the dubious search for nuclear fusion, aside a promising tale about nanobiotechnology, and then another dubious pursuit of the Devil by Herman Cain.

John and Patsy Ramsey were indicted for the murder of Jon Benet. And another story tells of a daughter who died jumping from a moving vehicle in a fit with her mom & step-dad.

On the Government school front; two math teachers were murdered at school, research indicates that anti-bullying programs produce more bullies, the teachers unions have come out against keeping child molesters out of the schools, and America’s number one party school; Iowa University has not yet fired a teacher who emailed pornographic pictures to her students.

The census reveals that welfare is the norm. Jerry Brown signed 2 laws in California: one legalizing abortion performed by gardeners and other professionals, and one authorizing a pile of homosexuals to be listed a “legal” parents on a newborn’s birth certificate. Personhood is the best response!

The US Postal Service will issue it’s first stamp commemorating the career of a child molester, while the spying scandal continues to consume credibility & relationships, and governing officials continue to abuse the government’s just authority.

We comment on the defeat of the SEALS in Somalia at the hands of terrorists who may now be getting arms from the United States Military.

Then there’s queer boxers and other assorted madness. All for your enlightenment and entertainment at the podcast below.